A new type of cyberbully known as a griefer is overtaking other forms of aggression on the Internet and in the world of online gaming, a health researcher warned.
Ref. https://www.stuff.co.nz/hlc/1,,93498~4118662a28~,00.html
Playing allot of MMORPG's myself I have witnessed allot of this, The verbal abuse is very easy to ignore, there are blocking facilities on most games to not receive any chatter from certain people.
The difficult part is when someone targets you, trying to make your game a living hell.
In ways like Lurering allot of difficult monsters around you to spoil your hunt, get you killed, and so on. or stealing the items that drop on the floor, allot of games are combating these things, that if you can produce enough evidence via screen shots or movies, then the player will get band.
The way most people see best to combat the greifers is to level up and become better then them, that way if they try anything you can just destroy them. Of course this then becomes addictive and a problem for school work, or even your job.
At the end of the day the greifers find it fun, A role playing game is to take up a role, if you decide to attack people and be a menace of society I don't think that should be held against them, there are always ways and places to go to avoid being attacked. However when it becomes verbal and blatantly attacks on 1 person only, that is when I think something needs to be done.