My sister has been a member ever since eight years old and had been pretty active for a long time. She has been they way she is for about 3 years and has a significant other she lives with.
The reason I brought homosexuality into this is because they pretty much go on the same lines. They explain themselves pretty much with the same way. And also it is somewhat close to home for me. Some people in the previous texts where trying to say how they where born that way and other things like it. I felt like I had something to add to this discussion.
Dont get me wrong. I dont hate these people, far from it. I had a friend who I grew up with who biologically and mentally was a girl, but now is homosexual and looks like a dude. Everytime I run into her I give her a hug a have good talks with her.
I will treat these type of people like people and will even befriend them.
I don't see homosexual and transsexual as the same and I don't see them as explaining things the same. One believes they are born a certain way and the other wants to make themselves the other way using sex reassignment surgery.
I think this Topic is becoming too in depth for Public Discussion so I am moving it to the Mature LDS Board (moved back 19 July 2012).
LDS View: Transsexuals - Transsexual Mormons (Hover)
I was wondering what is the position of the church with regards to a transexual person marrying civilly? I know they are not allowed to have the Priesthood or go to the Temple but wondering if they accept the marriage?
I don't know what the position is either but I bet it comes down to what they broadcast to everyone, by that I mean so long as they do it in secret it is kept secret and the horror of your local Ward knowing about is adverted so know disciplinary courts have to be called.
Would any care to guess at a reason behind those who feel they are a different gender than they were born with? What about people who are born androgoness and don't have enough parts to be labeled one gender or another? Has there been some pre-mortal mix up?
I have no idea. Many times in the past I thought it was purely psychological (Homosexuality, intersexuality, etc) but I don't feel that way anymore. It seems to me that in SOME cases it is, but in others, the persons are "born" this way.
I watched a discovery channel show about intersexuality once and I found it interesting that they said that almost 99% of the time after a gender reassignment surgery they still don't feel like they are the right gender