Obvious to me that Nostradamus was just a poet and everyone is trying to make his prose out to be some kind of prophetic verses. Even if that were true his 'prophecies' are false ones.
Name: Elmer
Comments: Was Nostradamus a prophet? No, absolutely not. We know that after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the apostles continued to lead the church. Over time the church fell into apostasy with the death of these leaders. In particular, the priesthood was lost to the earth. The role of a prophet is not just to be able to declare future events but it is an office in the holy priesthood of God. Did Nostradamus provide the world with prophesies? Well, many have interpreted them to be prophetic declarations of events. Clearly, he was talented at his unique poetry. I have the inclination to believe that Nostradamus was able to be vague enough, just as the writer of a horoscope or a fortune cookie line, to be able to provide seemingly real predictions. Perhaps a fortune cookie reads - you will reconnect with a long lost friend - and it really does come true. What are the chances though that a long lost friend reconnects with you? Wait long enough and sure enough, you have a new friend request on Facebook from a long lost friend. If it doesn't happen, you probably forgot the fortune. I am not sure but I don't plan on studying the words of Nostradamus for the next 6 months. There are true prophetic statements that deserve my attention.