Devil's Revenge. Spontaneous Combustion. Hot sauces have names like that for a reason. Now scientists are testing if the stuff that makes the sauces so savage can tame the pain of surgery.
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Hot Sauce For Pain (Hover)
I just love it when we discover 2000 year old remedies. The Aztecs were well aware of this and used specifically Cayenne pepper to get relief from many pains.
I think a great example of its use is for arthritis. My grandmother would place a plastic bag on her hands then a cloth wrapped soaked in a fresh cayenne pepper mash was placed on it. One has to build up a tolerance for this pepper but it does stop the pain. It does not heal but stops the pain messenger from traveling to the brain. It also lets the muscles around the damaged are relax as a result.
There is an arthritis gel call capzasine that helps with pain. Its made from the same stuff you find in jalapeƱos. I'm really not surprised by this, and since I love hot sauce, I'm waiting for the pain killer that you can put on burgers!
One thing I have noticed about eating hot peppers is that the more you do so (eat them) the more tolerant you are of it and want more. In other words, the first week you may just put a dash on your food and then the next week it is two dashes until the next thing you know you are pouring it on like ketchup. This may be related to the pain threshold that the peppers give?
I would believe it is directly related JB. Best part use Cayenne pepper sauces that way you will never get Ulcers! It is a great anti fungal ingredient to put in a sauce. Mother nature give all we just have to know where to look for it.