Microsoft Security Guidance Center

Microsoft Security Guidance Center - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 5th Jun, 2006 - 4:35pm

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31st May, 2006 - 2:35am / Post ID: #

Microsoft Security Guidance Center

This is a must see. Most of the information contained within the Security Guidance Center may actually seem a little less technical than an IT professional may really think about but it might just make a very nice presentation for your end uses to explain why they should do as you ask. The first link is an interactive video with many different editions within as well as a simple security quiz. Second you have a checklist and third is a PDF file of basically all the presentation included. I found this very interesting in the detail that was actually put to work in this.

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5th Jun, 2006 - 4:35pm / Post ID: #

Center Guidance Security Microsoft

My philosophy is that if you are an IT administrator, your end users should be doing what you tell them to, without having to understand it in the first place. This might sound harsh, but I actually believe it protects the end users because then they don't try to take matters into their own hands. If you try to teach people too much, then they become more dangerous. I understand Microsoft is trying to point out the obvious to everyone, and give out the warm fuzzies that they care about businesses and their security implementations. However, these 7 steps are really well known and obvious in the IT industry. If they are not, then that person should not be an administrator. All in my humble opinion.

> TOPIC: Microsoft Security Guidance Center


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