No one is elevating him. Hitler as you said used everything at his disposal to first gain a following and then trying to rule the world, if it meant dabbling in things that were freakish including human experiments, then he did it.
The Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum 'Study Group for Germanic Antiquity', was a German occultist and völkisch group in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party. Hitler, however, was never a member of the Thule Society,[1] in spite of allegations about his occult initiation in Nazi-occult literature. Ref. Source 9 |
I have been meaning to put some of this in the Illuminati file here. I cant remember the god. MMM
Yes Hitler was in the occult. He believed in it strongly. He killed himself April 30th at 3:30 pm = 333. It goes along with the Druidic calendar.
You believe Hitler killed himself in accordance with a date to achieve what?
I figure that if one kills himself then they are done with the achievements in life anyway.
Your question has stumped me a little bit.
He was in the occult I believe. Plenty of references on that.
The occult is strange. They like numbers and dates. Could it be a final ceremony to his God's?
Don't know.
You said it was in alignment with the Drudic calendar, I'm asking for what purpose he killed himself just at that time.
Hitler studied and practiced ancient German mysticism and mythology. He did things that we would call foolish now. Like, look for the lost city of Atlantis, and for a superior race of man. I don't necessarily think this is foolish. What was foolish was the torture and murder of people that didn't deserve it. And the silly war that he started that he thought would end up as him on the king's chair of the world.
That being said, let us look at some dates under the occult version of the Druidic calendar. Notice how I add the "occult". There are versions of the druidic calender that have little, or nothing to do with evil like this.
From April 19th to may 1st there is a satanic holiday for the God called Baal. It is a human sacrifice time for this God. He is a God of fire. The Romans called him Saturn, or Satan.
April 19th is the most important day.
April something 1943 a group of jewish resisters were trapped in a drain and held until april 19th. At this time they were burned by fire from Nazi storm troopers.
April 30 to May 1st is called the Beltaine festivals. This still falls under the time of Baal. During this time human sacrifice is required.
You said it was in alignment with the Drudic calendar, I'm asking for what purpose he killed himself just at that time. |
Rather off topic, but... This is the best answer I can give. If you are "GothicNature", or gothic by nature, then you should understand some of these things. Or is it just a pseudo culture of dressing in black clothes and putting on black lipstick. You should at least know where this style comes from? The Pagans were not really bad. It is just a matter of when evil got involved and corrupted it. Much like today's christianity. I am however a firm believer in Jesus Christ. For personal reasons. I think that some of the ancient pagan beliefs represent him more than some of the so called modern christianity beliefs. |
I will have you know that my interest goes beyond dark clothes and black lipstic. There are actual Druids here, and we did have a nice discussion about being a druid that was informative. My asking was to understand the dates you gave, and you have.