A ten million year old jaw bone was discovered by a team of Kenyan and Japanese researchers. These researchers are speculating that the jaw bone may belong to a new species of great ape and it maybe an ancestor of the gorilla, chimpanzees and even humans. It is believed that this latest discovery may be used as proof of "the missing link." Here are more details on this report:
There are actually several "missing links" in evolution that have been found. Already they have collected around five or six species of humans around the world, not including Neanderthal Man, a completely different species from Homo Erectus, in which they have found thousands of skeletons. The idea that there is only one missing link is a misnomer created by creationists. There a many links in the chain, and we will never find all of them. We are lucky we have the ones we do. But this is just one more piece of the puzzle. Good for them. Can't wait till its discovery makes it to the discovery channel or the science channel! Hopefully in HD!