Exotic Dancer, Stripper, Show Girl & Prostitute
Are the differences between Exotic Dancer, Stripper, Show Girl & Prostitute? Are they all just Prostitutes?
Yes, as far as I know there are differences but the terms are used wrongly sometimes. Exotics dancers do not necessarily remove their clothes while dancing, strippers do, show girl can mean many things and prostitutes specifically sale their bodies for a certain amount of money.
Are they all just Prostitutes? |
The only thing they all have in common is using their body to make a living but they definitely are not all prostitutes. An exotic dancer and a show girl could viewed as artists and regular entertainers.
Knowing and regularly seeing a stripper as a friend is something to allow one to see them as a performer and a person other than just some eye candy. I normally do not go to strip clubs but I met her outside of her work and she invited to come watch her dance.