Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice
This group claims to be Skinheads, but not racial or violent. What are your thoughts, do you think there is some 'good' in what they do?
See more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinheads_Aga...acial_Prejudice
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
If I understand the Wiki to be correct these are the REAL skinheads, and not the fascist idiots claiming the name. Assuming this to be the case they have my full support.
The only Skinheads I've ever seen here in the U.S. are those racially motivated. Neo-Nazis? I don't know about that, but certainly hate mongers.
If there is a group that is against racial prejudice, I hope they can spread the message more effectively than the others.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
Some of the members are made up of the former aggressive Skinheads (possibly Lone Wolves), so you have to wonder if they did not do that as part of some kind of infiltration into the group. The S.H.A.R.P. has been known to unite with other anti-racism groups to denounce hatred, so yes they do some good. How effective their 'good' is I do not know.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
I have to seriously question just how racist these "skinheads" actually were. It seems rather odd to have a group of people so wholly turn in the other direction. JB may have something, it may have been an infiltration job designed to "recruit" people to do something like this. Not that it would be a particularly bad thing, but perhaps they really aren't everything they say they are. Never the less, if they can do some good and open some eyes, then more power to them I suppose.
I can't say I fully support them because their roots and even purpose seem obscure to me taking into consideration the different types of skinheads around.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Name: Rob
Comments: I just happened to stumble on this discussion and, as a SHARP, would like to encourage everyone here to look more into the roots of the skinhead subculture. The culture derives originally from a non-racist movement and it should be no surprise that this group exists.
In my opinion a lot of the lack of understanding of what a skinhead really is comes from the media's spoon feeding of what they feel a skinhead really is.
So please, I reiterate, do some follow up research on the skinhead culture and I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised as to what skinheads and SHARPs really are! :-)
Name: Mike
Comments: The roots of the skinhead movement is in the English movement of the culture Mod, mixed with the Rubber Boot Boys(they are Jamaicans) that came to the U.K. and spread reggae music to the Mods, and with that was formed the skinheads. this all happened around the early 60's in the U.K. in response to the hippie culture that was taking root in the world,it was only later during 1979 that the nationalist front started taking advantage on closed minded people and turning them into Nazi's. this was easy at the time to rape the culture and turn it around,but at the same time in America seeing the mass ignorance of the people a group in New York called S.H.A.R.P. was formed in order to stop(or at least slow down) but still today we have a ignorance that is present in the world that is much more terrifying than any we have seen before, we need to educate people on what is exemptible and what is not before we have a world full of idiots, all mankind has to to is reach for a dream and it attainable, only believe and it comes true , get rid of the hate and we are all set free from the chains that bind us.