Carl Sagan Quotes
Consider the following quotes by Carl Sagan:
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
"A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism."
"All of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value."
"But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
"Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense."
"One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time."
"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality."
"I maintain there is much more wonder in science than in pse"