Charles Baudelaire Quotes

Charles Baudelaire Quotes - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 26th Feb, 2014 - 11:06am

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Charles Baudelaire One Line Quotes
Post Date: 26th Feb, 2014 - 11:06am / Post ID: #

Charles Baudelaire Quotes

Charles Baudelaire Quotes

Consider the following quotes by Charles Baudelaire:

"It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree."

"I consider it useless and tedious to represent what exists, because nothing that exists satisfies me. Nature is ugly, and I prefer the monsters of my fancy to what is positively trivial."

"It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself."

"Any healthy man can go without food for two days but not without poetry."

"A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors."

"Genius is no more than childhood recaptured at will, childhood equipped now with man's physical means to express itself, and with the analytical mind that enables it to bring order into the sum of experience, involuntarily amassed."

"Poetry and progress are like two ambitious men who hate one another with an instinctive hatred, and when t"

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