Survival Equipment 4
In this series of Threads I will propose a situation and a possible number of equipment you can take with you up to a certain maximum. Choose from the possible list of items and post your comments as to why you chose what you did.
You are lost on a snow capped mountain. You are dressed warmly. You see miles of other snow capped mountains and no clear path below. You, by chance have these items on you at the moment.
Maximum Items You Can Take:
Available Items You Can Take:
1. 2 yards of twine
2. Candy bar
3. Compass
4. Penknife
5. Matches
6. Flare gun
7. Pack of peanuts
8. Map, but you do not know if it is of your location
9. Black bag
10. Working battery AM Radio
Operating on the assumption that you have some idea of where the closest town/village/city is located (ie north, south, east, whatever).
6. Flare gun - signal a passing plane/chopper
5. Matches - Fire good, fire keep you alive and possibly signal passing plane.
7. Pack of peanuts - Not much protein, but it is better than nothing.
Use the sun to get a direction for east or west.
I generally do not like the cold so I would not be fond of this at all. Three items I would take:
2. Candy bar
5. Matches
6. Flare gun
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