I read she wanted to stay in Sudan! She must be crazy! But they are going to put her on a plane to England as soon as she is freed. I wonder if these religious fanatics are going to follow her all the way there and make her life miserable?
I'm glad England convinced Sudan to pardon her. This was a grand display of religious lunacy at its finest. It was a grand display of what, in my opinion, the majority of Muslims are like. Its part of their faith to brutally avenge blasphemy of any kind, real or imagined. I don't care what any Muslim tells me, that kind of behavior is backed up in the Koran !
The Muslims on the net go silent on these issues. I have attempted many times to invite Muslims to come and Discuss this, but they are too scared (although fear was not the reason they gave). I am happy that she was not flogged and hope there is no death wish from the Islamists over the issue.
I wish more muslims would stand up to this type of thing. If the extremists really are the minority, they why won't the majority stand up and put them down? Sadly, I think much of the reason is that they agree with the extremists to an extent. They likely did see her actions as blasphemy, and since the Koran says death is the penalty for blasphemy, then well, its not such an extremist view. Until that type of thinking is put down by muslims with common sense, then it will never stop.