The Old Ship Zion

The Ship Zion - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 28th Nov, 2007 - 3:23pm

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28th Nov, 2007 - 3:21pm / Post ID: #

The Old Ship Zion

The Old Ship Zion

I have not read this, but it is from the collection of topics.

[b]The Old Ship ZION
by Ogden Kraut  1977

    If I have had one dream concerning the OLD SHIP ZION, I have had a
    hundred.      --Heber C. Kimball

[1]                        THE OLD SHIP ZION(1)
                                  A Parable

Once upon a time a Master Craftsman built a beautiful sailing vessel. It
was created with more inspiration and wisdom than any other ship had been for
nearly 2000 years. It contained instruments for its guidance that no other
ship possessed. It was fortified with armor to withstand the attack of any
enemy. It could weather any storm.

The Master selected a crew of worthy officers to take her out to sea,
giving them chart, compass, and specific written instructions for the course
they should pursue. He promised great rewards and joy to all hands when they
reached that harbor of peace and plenty from which they would never need to
sail again. Everyone became well informed of their course, the dangers of
their route and the final destination.

Then the Master Builder launched His beautiful ship for its predestined
and maiden voyage. The journey at sea would take many years and great
difficulties were to be experienced, but the Master promised success to all
who would obey His instructions.

The first captain lived only a short time, but he gave his life for the
ship.(2) The second and third captains likewise spent their lives at the
wheel carefully charting and navigating the ship according to the Master's

[2] Finally a storm arose, more severe and threatening than any tempest
before. Dark and threatening clouds soon broke into a fury causing the raging
seas to thrash against the bow of the ship.(3) Many of the crew and a few of
the officers began to fear for their lives and their families.(4) They began
to murmur among themselves, saying, "What need has our Master of this
dangerous course that may destroy us all?" They soon convinced others that
they should turn the ship toward another direction, saying that they were sure
the same destination could be reached.(5) These mutineers became so demanding
and persuasive that nearly all the officers and even the captain became
convinced they should sail south where the sea was calm and the climate
warm.(6) There they could take a more peaceful journey and follow the same
course of other worldly travelers.(7)

Due to the panic of the crewmembers, and the turbulence of the stormy
sea, the captain turned the ship's rudder in another direction.(8)
Immediately the storm abated. They were then joined by other ships who greeted
them with friendship and praise for the change in course they had made.(9)
This new direction brought such peace and honor from the other worldly
travelers, that this detour was soon hailed as inspired.(10)

But in the midst of all their rejoicing, a few of the crew members were
not content. They began to question the others and asked, "Are we not supposed
to follow the course that was given to us by the Master?(11) Then there [3]
began to be disputations among them over the right to change the written
orders and turn the ship from its original course.(12) Some of the officers
argued that those instructions were "no longer needed." They claimed the right
and the authority to revoke and change them according to their own unanimous
approval.(13) Anyone who disagreed with these new policies would be declared
a rebel and confined to prison, thrown overboard, or compelled to compromise
by signing an allegiance to the officers.(14)

Other captains came to the wheel who not only continued the new change of
direction, but soon declared that the original instructions given by the
Master were not only out dated, but were false and evil. Anyone believing in
them would suffer condemnation.

Soon other changes were inaugurated and approved by the officers. The
armor plate was considered too heavy and burdensome and so it was cast
off.(15) The sail was too long and bulky so it was shortened.(16) The
instrument panel was too bright and was considered unnecessary, so it was
covered up.(17) They also tossed aside the sailing regulations.(18) So, they
continued their voyage on the calm sea, in the warm climate, surrounded by
other ships who had become their closest friends.(19)

But by and by the Master Builder, Who knew His ship was off course, came
to rescue it from a terrible fate.(20) "What is the cause of this great
evil?" he chided the officers. "Why have you not done even as I commanded [4]
you?"(21) At this the officers wept and gnashed their teeth for they could
see there was no excuse for what they had done.(22)

Because those officers had chosen to sail with the worldly travelers, the
Master told them that such would be their fate.(23) They were placed aboard
passing ships and therefore would arrive at a destination they had not

The Master told one of His servants(25) to go below deck and release
those prisoners who had suffered for defending His orders.(26) To these few
faithful followers the Master promised priceless riches and treasures when
they reached the haven of His Port.(27)

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28th Nov, 2007 - 3:23pm / Post ID: #

Zion Ship The



[5]                              Footnotes

(1)See the hymn "Jesus Savior, Pilot Me", L.D.S. Hymnbook, p. 121:
Jesus, Savior, pilot me
Over life's tempestuous sea;
Unknown waves before me roll,
Hiding rock and treacherous shoal;
Chart and compass came from Thee;
Jesus, Savior, pilot me.

(2)Joseph Smith:
And as for the perils which I am called to pass through, they seem but a
small thing to me, as the envy and wrath of man have been my common lot all
the days of my life; and for what cause it seems mysterious, unless I was
ordained from before the foundation of the world for some good end, or bad, as
you may choose to call it. Judge ye for yourselves. God knoweth all these
things, whether it be good or bad. But nevertheless, deep water is what I am
wont to swim in. It all has become a second nature to me; and I feel, like
Paul, to glory in tribulation; for to this day has the God of my fathers
delivered me out of them all, and will deliver me from henceforth; for behold,
and lo, I shall triumph over all my enemies, for the Lord God hath spoken it.
(D & C 127:2)

(3)And all they who receive the oracles of God, let them beware how they
hold them lest they are accounted as a light thing, and are brought under
condemnation thereby, and stumble and fail when the storms descend, and the
winds blow, and the rains descend, and beat upon their house- (D & C 90:5)

[6] (4)Let no man be afraid to lay down his life for my sake; for whoso
layeth down his life for my sake shall find it again. And whoso is not willing
to lay down his life for my sake is not my disciple. (D & C 103:27-28)
And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of
murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into
the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become
thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to
hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape upon the
mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give
thee experience, and shall be for thy good. (D & C 122:7; see also "Lectures
on Faith" 6:7-8.)

(5)Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into
the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a
robber. (John 10:1)
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto
life, and few there be that find it. (Matt. 7:14)
Let not that which I have appointed be polluted by mine enemies, by the
consent of those who call themselves after my name. (D & C 101:97)

(6)For although a man may have many revelations, and have power to do
many mighty works, yet if he boasts in his own strength, and sets at naught
the counsels of God, and follows after the dictates of his own will and carnal
[7] desires, he must fall and incur the vengeance of a just God upon him.
Behold, you have been entrusted with these things, but how strict were your
commandments; and remember also the promises which were made to you, if you
did not transgress them. And behold, how oft you have transgressed the
commandments and the laws of God, and have gone on in the persuasions of men.
For, behold, you should not have feared man more than God. Although men set at
naught the counsels of God, and despise his words--Yet you should have been
faithful; and he would have extended his arm and supported you against all the
fiery darts of the adversary; and he would have been with you in every time of
trouble. (D & C 3:4-8)
But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that
heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it; Yet hath he not root in
himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth
because of the word, by and by he is offended. (Matt. 13:20-21)

(7)Therefore, all those who receive the priesthood, receive this oath and
covenant of my Father, which he cannot break, neither can it be moved. But
whoso breaketh this covenant after he hath received it, and altogether turneth
therefrom, shall not have forgiveness of sins in this world nor in the world
to come. (D & C 84:40-41)
...when all the chief features of the Gospel are obliterated, when we
float along the stream and do as the world does, then and not till then will
persecution cease. . . . (George Q. Cannon, J.D. 22:374)

[8] (8)God has given me a revelation in regard to celestial marriage, I did
not make it, .... [yet] they would like us to tone that principle down and
change it, and make it applicable to the views of the day. This we cannot do,
nor can we interfere with any of the commandments of God to meet the
persuasions and behests of men. I cannot do it and will not do it."
(John Taylor, J.D. 25:309; compare D & C, Official Declaration, "Manifesto",
p. 256)

(9)Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their
fathers to the false prophets. (Luke 6:26)
...know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?
whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. (James

(10)But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men. (Matt. 15:9)
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and
shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but
whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the
kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 5:19)

(11)And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be
fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins. For they that are wise and
have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and
have not been deceived--verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and
[9] cast into the fire, but shall abide the day. (D & C 45:56-57)
And this shall be our covenant--that we will walk in all the ordinances
of the Lord. (D & C 136:4)

(12)For do we not read that God is the same yesterday, today, and
forever, and in him there is no variableness neither shadow of changing?
(Mormon 9:9)

(13)There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof
are the ways of death. (Prov. 14:12)
Compare the following statement by S. Dilworth Young:
Thus, the way they interpreted the revelation in those days has no
particular bearing on the way the revelations are being interpreted today. ***
Joseph Smith did it one way for his day, and Brigham Young did it another way
for his day, and John Taylor did it a third way for his day; and today we are
doing it the way President Spencer W. Kimball wants it to be. We listen to
him. What they did in that day does not bind us at all. *** Modern revelation
is what President Joseph Smith said, unless President Spencer W. Kimball says
differently. (Ten-Stake Fireside, B.Y.U., May 5, 1974)

(14)That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the
powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor
handled only upon the principles of righteousness. That they may be
con-[10]ferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins,
or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion
or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of
unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the
Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the
authority of that man. Behold, ere he is aware, he is left unto himself, to
kick against the pricks, to persecute the saints, and to fight against God.
(D&C 121:36-38)
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall,
say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. (Matt. 5:11)
But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the
kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer
ye them that are entering to go in. (Matt. 23:13)

28th Nov, 2007 - 3:23pm / Post ID: #

The Old Ship Zion Studies Doctrine Mormon

(15)All other authorities or offices in the church are appendages to this
priesthood. (D & C 107:5)

(16)Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth
his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. (Rev. 16:15)

(17)Then the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17, will become a Urim
and Thummim to each individual who receives one, whereby things pertaining to
a higher order of kingdoms will be made known. (D & C 130:10)

[11] (18)For all who will have a blessing at my hands shall abide the law
which was appointed for that blessing, and the conditions thereof, as were
instituted from before the foundation of the world. (D & C 132:5)
...any person who is exalted to the highest mansion has to abide a
celestial law, and the whole law too. (T.P.J.S., p. 331)

(19)My greatest happiness, I find in the good will and friendship that
has developed among all classes of people at home and abroad toward the
Latter-day Saints Church, during my lifetime; in place of everyday
persecutions and bitterness we now enjoy the high regard and happy association
with all denominations. (Heber J. Grant, S.L.Tribune, Nov. 22, 1938)
And when the spirit of persecution, the spirit of hatred, of wrath and
malice ceases in the world against this people, it will be the time that this
people have apostatized and joined hands with the wicked. (Brigham Young J.D.

(20)But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath
not planted, shall be rooted up. (Matt. 15:13)

(21)Now, beheld, the nobleman, the lord of the vineyard, called upon his
servants, and said unto them, Why! what is the cause of this great evil? (D &
C 101:52)
And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of
prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. (Matt. 21:13)
[12] O ye workers of iniquity; ye that are puffed up in the vain things of the
world, ye that have professed to have known the ways of righteousness
nevertheless have gone astray, as sheep having no shepherd, notwithstanding a
shepherd hath called after you and is still calling after you, but ye will not
hearken unto his voice! (Alma 5:37)

(22)For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins
against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation. Ye call upon
my name for revelations, and I give them unto you; and inasmuch as ye keep not
my sayings, which I give unto you, ye become transgressors; and justice and
judgment are the penalty which is affixed unto my law. (D & C 82:3-4)
But behold, verily I say unto you, that there are many who have been
ordained among you, whom I have called but few of then are chosen. They who
are not chosen have sinned a very grievous sin, in that they are walking in
darkness at noon-day. (D & C 95:5-6)
Therefore, be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart,
saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in
my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy. For if ye will not
abide in my covenant ye are not worthy of me. (D & C 98:14-15)

(23)But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before
my Father which is in heaven. (Matt. 10:33)
[13] But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it
were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he
were drowned in the depth of the sea. (Matt. 18:6)

(24)Keep my commandments continually, and a crown of righteousness thou
shalt receive. And except thou do this, where I am you cannot come. (D & C
Hearken and hear, O ye my people, saith the Lord and your God, ye whom I
delight to bless with the greatest of all blessings, ye that hear me; and ye
that hear me not will I curse, that have professed my name, with the heaviest
of all cursings. (D & C 41:1)

(25)And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty
and strong holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a
covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall
be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by
lot the inheritances of the saints whose names are found, and the names of
their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God.
(D & C 85:7)

(26)The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the
mighty and strong ones, that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither
trust in the arm of flesh-- (D & C 1:19)

(27)And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in
obedience to the [14] commandments, ...shall find wisdom and great treasures
of knowledge, even hidden treasures. (D & C 89:18-19)
And this shall be my seal and blessing upon you--a faithful and wise
steward in the midst of mine house, a ruler in my kingdom. (D & C 101:61)
And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people,
and shall reign over all flesh. (D & C 133:25)

> TOPIC: The Old Ship Zion


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