We read in the scriptures on occasion of the great feats of certain men in ancient days like Samson, Ammon or Elijah. Are there heroes among us like there was back then? Actual identifiable people that seem to have more than the rest of us? Could it be that some of these stories were exaggerated? Years from now some may say Joseph Smith was able to leap over tall buildings in a single movement. Just something for thought.
I personally think that in times past, it was necessary to step up and face the possibility that you would be burned at the stake or cast into a fiery furnace for disagreeing with those in power. This kind of faith and resolve comes, I believe, through severe adversity. Read some of the stories regarding Medal of Honor recipients and you will see what I mean. But I like to think that those in church leadership today are heroes. If put into like circumstances, would they not step up and do what the Lord would have them do, with the same force and power as prophets of old? I say that the would, and hopefully, so would we all.