Yes, try to blame me for your own choice, a good cop out. Plus, I will remind you again... this is the Culture & Traditions Board, which means that we Discuss the way men do things, the way they think, their ideals... you are the one that keeps talking about rights, this is not about Activism. Keep trying.
I see my opinion of what he says to be immaterial to the situation. |
That's kind of the point, I'm defending his right to say what he wants not what he's saying.
Yes, try to blame me for your own choice, a good cop out. |
That's kind of the point, I'm defending his right to say what he wants not what he's saying. |
I actually do have a issue with shows like these. They really do not show you a true representation of those around us. They show us a exaggerated view of the few extremes that we have. They make it seem like these people are all around us, but worst of all...they profit from it. Corral all the fringe freaks of our society and parade them out for us to gawk at...and we do. I have honestly never run into a guy like this and I have been on the planet for a while and lived in W. Virginia and Kentucky (places well know for some of these antics). Don't give these people any air time...it is only going to generate more of them. Leave them in their holes and let them ferment...dont bring them up for air.
I think he only looks like the extreme because he is expressing it, but I feel there are many who think this way, they just stay silent. Check out the Skin Heads and KKY Threads, they are big... in fact if it were not for the corruption among the leadership in the past the KKK they would be still big enough to walk through the streets of Washington as they did in the past.
This guy lacks tact in his thinking and because of his culture he is able to say what is on his mind for money, but it does not mean he is not so alone. I have seen a woman once told my wife to "Go back from where you came" and her eyes looked just as far out as this guy did.
Dbackers, you are Caucasian? If so, you are less likely to be exposed to racialism as much as a Black man or Jewish man would.
Dbackers, you are Caucasian? If so, you are less likely to be exposed to racialism as much as a Black man or Jewish man would. |
I saw this disturbing documentary about two neo-Nazi twin girls who are allegedly pop singers or something? Only in America. Anyway, they wrote songs motivated by hatred and racism. They were brainwashed from birth by their evil mother who was using them to propagate her own beliefs.
I think this is a similar case. I feel sorry for the children of this family. Unfortunately they have been brought up in such a disgusting, intolerant environment.
These kids don't really have free speech because they clearly have not been given the sort of education that is fundamental to free speech. Their parents are also attention seeking, racist morons.
I don't really know how racist the US is as a nation because I've never been there, but the perception from abroad is that there are parts of the country that are racist and other parts that are more tolerant.
Rather off topic, but... I too can't stand Tyra and think she should be shot. |