If people are soo worried about the campaign and who influenced who then I say open a investigation into those who were getting illegals signed up to vote in the election too. Where is the outcry of Illegals voting in the election even when some admitted to voting more than once in the election to make sure that President Trump was not elected? Yeah people are saying the Russians played a role in the election but so did many illegals. Both sides are guilty I bet in some ways so it balanced out .
That's another issue that's been ruined by political interests. One side has a strong interest in allowing technically illegal individuals to vote. The other side has a strong interest in keeping technically legal but socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals from voting.
A good example of where the latter comes into play would be many of the older African Americans. Birth records, especially in the south, for that group are often… less than reliable. The father of a friend of mine is officially named "Negro" so far as his only proof of citizenship goes.
And so neither side are willing to come to a compromise that actually makes sense. Require proof of citizenship, while also ensuring proof of citizenship is readily available to all legal citizens.
In any case, back to the immediate topic. This is not a new issue, people are tired of hearing about it, and often associate those pushing for voter IDs with racists and racism (For good reason, though to claim all or even most voter ID proponents are racists is extremely flawed). So no, there isn't a public outcry, except for from the people who are always complaining about illegal voting, and I doubt there ever will be one, at least not until proof emerges that illegal voting actually has solid impact.
Edited: daishain on 14th Apr, 2017 - 6:04pm
Yes this is something I think needs to be corrected big time. Maybe President Trump will change the swamp and have elections require identification that proves who you are and that you are a legal resident eligible to vote. You go to any other country and they all require IDs to vote in elections.
That accurately describes Trump. His voters know he is like that but they don't care but for the rest of us who didn't vote for him we say that you can still be president minus all the baggage.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 177 17.7%
Opinion pieces are just, opinions. They aren't news and that is why they go in the editorial section. These also tend to be people who didn't vote for President Trump and have the harshest opinion of him. I'm sorry, but for the NY Times to Call the President an ignoramus, clown, and whatever else they listed isn't news and doesn't belong in a newspaper. This is why the press if no longer trusted. After eight years of fawning all over President Obama they decided it's time to go in completely the opposite direction.
Where were they when President Obama's strategy, supported by Secretary Clinton, allowed the Middle East to implode after the wonderful Arab Spring. I remember the newspapers extolling the virtues of the Arab Spring and how it could only happen under an Obama administration with Clinton as SECSTATE. Yeah, how did that work out? The Middle East is in more a mess than at any time that I can remember.
Now, I'm not saying everything President Obama was bad, it wasn't. Nor am I saying I agree with President Trump. In some I do and in other areas I don't. But I do say that I've seen the papers go from fawning all over a President and not reporting any failings or potential bad consequences of his policies to only reporting failings and not reporting about any potential good that might come of this administration.
Talk about dishonest.