Yes, and the president certainly didn't need to hand out food. I'm sure there were plenty of others who could do that. But I also read the part where one of the citizens down there said having him come through was good for morale. I guess I could see that too. But it's a fine line between raising morale and disrupting ongoing rescue and relief operations.
DOJ confirms no evidence supporting Trump claim Obama wiretapped him. The Justice Department confirmed in a court filing there is no evidence that Trump Tower was targeted for surveillance by the Obama administration - contradicting President Trump's controversial claim first made in March.Trump took to Twitter in March to accuse Obama of wiretapping him during the 2016 election. Ref. USAToday.
Pres. Trump is getting harder to read or predict. We know he is outlandish in the way he does things but the actually direction he takes is always changing. To me that's not a good thing or maybe it is but I feel most people want consistency to be at peace.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 27 2.7%
Trump profits from golf memberships bought by lobbyists, federal contractors. USA TODAY found 4,500 members of Trump's private golf clubs. Dozens pay dues that enrich the president at the same time they seek to influence his policies because, sometimes, membership means a chance to talk to Trump. Ref. USAToday.
Did you vote for Trump? Conservatives in America - Like Marranos in Medieval Spain. For those unfamiliar with the term, Marranos was the name given to Jews in medieval Spain, especially in the fifteenth century during the Spanish Inquisition, who secretly maintained their Judaism while living as Catholics in public. There is, of course, no Spanish Inquisition in America today. Source 1j.
So this is a sin. To ostracize someone simply because their political views differ from yours is the height of intolerance. The same intolerance the left accuses the right of they display in spades themselves. It's such a shame the US has come to this.