Republicans are starting to get angry with Trump because of the amount of misinformation he continues to publish through Twitter even though most of his own have said there is no election fraud. This is a super double standard because before he LOST they were backing him up in all the other misinformation he was spreading. The Republicans have gone to a new level in order to gain power and I don't think most of America will forget that.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 23 2.3%
I really hope most people will see how terrifying this idea is, and I hope Trump won't be tempted to actually do this. If he did, it would bring us one step closer to becoming a dictatorship. Where retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned by Donald Trump of federal charges, is now calling on the President to enact martial law and have troops to oversee a full presidential election vote recount. Which is, understandably, receiving criticism and raising alarm for constitutional scholars and military-civilian experts. Source 1
This, in addition to the consideration that Trump might try pardoning himself, to prevent himself from facing any legal action against him once he is no longer president is something I wish more people would take notice of and be concerned about.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 25 2.5%
Trump may be an eccentric but he isn't that silly. The military would not follow through with something like that neither would congress.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 32 3.2%
When it comes to fake news I wonder which one will be worst: Trump as president or Trump as former president?
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 71 7.1%
He'll probably start up his show again so he can still have a voice on TV, this time reality TV but he will need to be careful with what he says because he won't have that invisible shield that protects him from being sued as president when he says something that's not true.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 23 2.3%
That (Mike Pence doing the do) is something that I so can't wait to see it will be the highlight for the start of a brand new year without Trump.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 177 17.7%