Several readers have ideas about making dining out a better experience for everyone. Here are some of their suggestions. When you take your children out, set up guidelines that are appropriate within your family, said Casey Bulkley, father of three and managing partner of Biaggi's at The Gateway.
I am not sure if those guidelines apply to all type of children. My special need's son is a food lover, as a matter of fact since we stopped his medication to treat his hyperactive, he has been eating a lot and put on a lot of weight, but because he eats with his "eyes", and is always "hungry" it is very hard for him to actually use all the things we teach him about proper dining manners. I hope with time he can catch up in that aspect with constant guidance and reminders, because I think the way a child eats tells a lot about their upbringing.
You poise a real issue there for me as my first reaction to the article was yup that s right you tell them and kick those brats out! I have two boys who I can take to eat with the Queen if I had to. We are welcomed to every restaurant we attend the owners and tending staff always compliment the children on how well they ate and behaved. As the father it is nice to hear but even better is the response I see in the children the beam with a strangers praise.
Having said this yes I think the article was directed at the average child not children with special needs. I do fear however very few places would take the difference in the children into account, instead they would just react to the complaint of others in the restaurant.