That kind of reminds me of the Willy Wonka movie where the whole world buys mucho chocolate. But they had a good reason.
I must say,that is odd,yet mildly amusing. She must have a sweet tooth. Or maybe she's donating. With that many candy bars, she is most likely donating them. Probably to poor children, as a sweet and kind and caring thing to do.
Edited: konquererz on 14th May, 2006 - 3:57am
I don't know if she's collecting them for a charity or going to eat them herself, but that sure is a lot of chocolate. I love chocolate but I know I could never eat that much. Maybe she is going to freeze them so that she will always have a chocolate bar on hand when she gets the old chocolate urge.
This woman was both foreign and rich. The article says she loaded all of them into the back of a limo and drove off. It also says she was wearing black robes and a head dress and suggests she looked lebanese. I doubt that Lebanon has that many convenience stores to purchase candy bars. Maybe she just loves them and wanted to make sure she had plenty when she returned home?