I wasn't quite sure what you were meaning when you said it was something extra you looked forward to on Christmas day---did you guys hang them up prior to Christmas Eve as decoration? Or the night before so Santa could fill them during the night?
You know I am going to have to ask the kids, because I don't know if we have an "official" day of putting out stockings! Sad huh?
At the time, we would get them sometimes as gifts filed with stuff and then hang it up and open it on Christmas Day. Other times we bought it as a decoration and then filled it with sweets or whatever so it looked as though there was something to expect.
Being in the Caribbean our family is not much into decorations, plus our focus is more on the Nativity (covered in another Thread).
The older kids all assured me that we usually put them out about a week before Christmas--they said it is so the little kids will be excited....sure! Although we do decorate some we also choose to focus on the main reason of the season.
Each person in our family has their own special stocking, that says something about their personality or likes, etc. Some years they may change, but we always keep the old ones to remember what they liked at various stages.
As of last year we started putting a pin on their stocking to represent something they were doing that year. We had two that played soccer this year and will probably get that type of pin. We thought it would help see how they grow in things they like or are interested in.
Christmas stockings are cool but besides candy what are some UNIQUE things I can put in there as gifts? Looking for ideas.
Christmas Stockings are OK at times of the Holidays because you can get some things nice to eat or get something extra after the opening the gifts.
Those are cool ideas Felipe, I like the one about the mustache glasses, I think I might get something along those lines... Something funny rather than sentimental.