Do you have a great Indian recipe that you'd like to share? --
husk as many corn as you need for a meal
brush with veggie oil place on grill
grill for 20min turning often
1/2 tsp of ground coriander
1/2 tsp of salt
1/4 ground cumin
pinch of cayenne pepper [to taste]
cut enough lime into wedges so everybody gets a wedge for rubbing on roasted corn
mix coriander,salt,cumin,and cayenne pepper together place in dish
now corn is done rub lime wedge all over the roasted cob
sprinkle your dry spice all over the cob
and as I always say ENJOY I know I did and I'm going to do this INDIAN CORN a couple more times this summer
NO DOUBT IN MY MIND Edited: DianeC on 18th May, 2006 - 6:54pm
Potato Curry
Ingredients required
1lb/500g of potatoes chopped into cubes
1/2 lb/ 250g of chopped tomatoes
1 tea spoon of chilli powder
1 tea spoon of ground cumin
1 tea spoon of ground turmeric
60g of ghee
hot water
1. Melt the ghee in a pan, and then add the cumin, turmeric and potatoes, and stir for around 5 minutes.
2. Next, add the chilli powder and tomatoes, and cover the potatoes with hot water (just enough to cover them)
3. Stir once more, and then bring to the boil, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to simmer for around 15 minutes, until the potatoes are soft.
This is a really easy, but tasty recipe!