It's interesting how nobody did anything to help these Jewish men but this Muslim guy did his best to aid them. Good job, Hassan Askari!
Friday's altercation on the Q train began when somebody yelled out "Merry Christmas," to which rider Walter Adler responded, "Happy Hanukkah," said Toba Hellerstein. "Almost immediately, you see the look in this guy's face like I've called his mother something," Adler told CNN affiliate WABC. Two women who were with a group of 10 rowdy people then began to verbally assault Adler's companions with anti-Semitic language, Hellerstein said. One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus," she said. When Adler tried to intercede, a male member of the group punched him, she said. Another passenger, Hassan Askari -- a Muslim student from Bangladesh -- came to Adler's aid, and the group began physically and verbally assaulting him, Hellerstein said. "A Muslim-American saved us when our own people were on the train and didn't do anything," Adler said... |
I noticed the ethnicity of the attackers were left out! I wonder why?
They must be xxxxxxxxx.
NOTE: They described everythings else I.e. the victim, the one who helped but left the main FOES undescribed. hmmmmm interesting!
just dissecting the real story!