Let's jump on the roof and see what is available.
Thanks for the heads up, I must have missed that one.
It is only three of us playing?
My nickname has been mentioned so I will answer the call of Krakyn the new Game Master. We are playing a thief, so we need to think as a thief does... might be easier for some people, but anyhow, let us check the roof and see how they got to our room in the first place.
We are playing a thief, so we need to think as a thief does... might be easier for some people. |
Feeling like a sneaky pete lets go to 22 then. Thanks LDS I shall try to do my best and thanks LDS and JB for helping out here.
You edge out into the cold air and lay a foot on the icy roofing. The morning sun has edged above the city wall squatting on the horizon, and the falling snow glitters. The roof tops stretch to the horizon, laid out like a robbers street map, gleaming with ice and full columns of chimney-smoke. You sniff the air - even the bitter cold air can not stifle the strange blends of smells that live eternally above Hultog.
To the north and East, the city slopes upward slightly, and to the southwest you see the docks and the river, with a dozen or more boats loading cargoes for the morning sail. even in winter, docks of the Oligarchs do not lie fallow.
Unfortunately, this grand scene provides little in the way of advice. the snow on the roof shows no signs of disturbance that you could reasonably attribute to kidnappers.
You could circle the roof of the hostelry once to see if any other windows have been disturbed (go to 53) or you could go back in and head downstairs to the tavern to ask around (go to 90).
Well apparently it was not through this window or did they fly in? Why was that window open anyhow?
Falling might be an issue, but I think we need to keep looking on top here to see where the entry point was for those thieves, so let's keep looking.