Why Cook With So Much Fat?
Why do so many cooks use oil, fat, and sugar if they know these things are bad for you?
Because most recipes call for these ingredients *shrugs*. I personally rather not eat much fried food, although I ocasionally enjoy some fried food but it is not something I could eat every day. In Trinidad, indian dishes are full of fat, specially oil and they eat that type of food everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Because fried foods and other things that are bad for you taste good. Thus frying anything in grease or making things with lots of sugar usually results in something that is delicious. Face it, fat free is usually flavor free as well and not as desirable as foods with more fat and sugar.
I don't have the answer why chefs use so much cooking oil, but maybe Konquererz has a good point in that sweet and unhealthy food always tastes better.
What I would say though, is that when I watch these tv chef shows, I cringe when I see how much oil they have sloshing around in their pans. I usually ignore that part of their recipe, I find it better to start off with the smallest amount, and then add more if needed. At least it's slightly healthier.