Jellied Moose Nose

Jellied Moose Nose - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 28th Dec, 2008 - 4:53pm

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Archived Recipe: Duck
Post Date: 28th Dec, 2008 - 4:53pm / Post ID: #

Jellied Moose Nose

Recipe name:
Jellied Moose Nose

Recipe Type Recipe category:

What are your thoughts about this delicious dish?

Recipe Ingredients Recipe details:

1eachupper jawbone of a moose
1eachonion, sliced
1eachgarlic clove
1tablespoonmixed pickling spice


Cut the upper jaw bone of the moose just below the eyes.

Place in a large kettle of scalding water and boil for 45 minutes. Remove and chill in cold water. Pull out all the hairs - these will have been loosened by the boiling and should come out easily (like plucking a duck). Wash thoroughly until no hairs remain.

Place the nose in a kettle and cover with fresh water. Add onion, garlic, spices and vinegar. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until the meat is tender. Let cool overnight in the liquid. When cool, take the meat out of the broth, and remove and discard the bones and the cartilage. You will have two kinds of meat, white meat from the bulb of the nose, and thin strips of dark meat from along the bones and jowls.

Slice the meat thinly and alternate layers of white and dark meat in a loaf pan. Reheat the broth to boiling, then pour the broth over the meat in the loaf pan. Let cool until jelly has set. Slice and serve cold.

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