Fundamentals In Following The Prophets

Fundamentals Prophets - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 24th Dec, 2007 - 1:51am

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Ezra Taft Benson vs. Ogden Kraut
24th Dec, 2007 - 1:43am / Post ID: #

Fundamentals In Following The Prophets

Ezra Taft Benson vs. Ogden Kraut

Did not read this, but got the impression that Kraut is aiming to set a few things straight? Please put your review after reading. I wonder how Pres. Benson felt about Kraut's letters to him?


                            FOLLOWING THE LEADERS

                              Ezra Taft Benson


                              FOLLOWING THE LORD

                                Ogden Kraut


                          BYU Devotional Assembly
                              February 26, 1980
                              Ezra Taft Benson

                                * * * * * *


                        A Letter to Ezra Taft Benson
                                April 6, 1980
                                Ogden Kraut

                                    Part I

By President Ezra Taft Benson
BYU Devotional Assembly Tuesday, February 26, 1980, 10:00 a.m.

My beloved brothers and sisters. I am honored to be in your presence
today. You students are a part of a choice young generation--a generation
which might well witness the return of our Lord.

Not only is the Church growing in numbers today, it is growing in
faithfulness and, even more important, our young generation, as a group, is
even more faithful than the older generation. God has reserved you for the
eleventh hour--the great and dreadful day of the Lord. It will be your
responsibility not only to help bear off the kingdom of God triumphantly but
to save your own soul and strive to save those of your family and to honor the
principles of our inspired constitution.

To help you pass the crucial tests which lie ahead, I am going to give
you today several facets of a grand key which, if you will honor, will crown
you with God's glory and bring you out victorious in spite of Satan's fury.

Soon we will be honoring our Prophet on his 85th birthday. As a Church we
sing the song, "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet." Here then is the grand
key--Follow the Prophet--and here now are Fourteen Fundamentals in Following
the Prophet, the President of the Church of  Jesus Christ of Latter-day

FIRST: The Prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in everything.

In Section 132, verse 7, of the Doctrine and Covenants the Lord speaks of
the Prophet--the President--and says:

"There is never but one on the earth at a time on whom this power and the
keys of this priesthood are conferred."

Then in Section 21, verses 4-6, the Lord states:

"Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give heed unto all his words
and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in
all holiness before me;

"For his word ye shall receives as if from mine own mouth, in all
patience and faith.

"For by doing these things the gates of hell shall not prevail against

Did you hear what the Lord said about the words of the Prophet? We are to
"give heed unto all his words"--as if from the Lord's "own mouth."

SECOND: The living prophet is more vital to us than the Standard Works.

President Wilford Woodruff tells of an interesting incident that occurred
in the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith:

[2]  "I will refer to a certain meeting I attended in the town of
    Kirtland in my early days. At that meeting some remarks were made that
    have been made here today, with regard to the living oracles and with
    regard to the written word of God. The same principle was presented,
    although not as extensively as it has been here, when a leading man in
    the Church got up and talked upon the subject, and said: "You have got
    the word of God before you here in the Bible, Book of Mormon, and
    Doctrine and Covenants; you have the written-word of God, and you who
    give revelations should give revelations according to those books, as
    what is written in those books is the word of God. We should confine
    ourselves to them."

      "When he concluded, Brother Joseph turned to Brother Brigham Young
    and said, `Brother Brigham I want you to take the stand and tell us your
    views with regard to the living oracles and the written word of God.'
    Brother Brigham took the stand, and he took the Bible, and laid it down;
    he took the Book of Mormon, and laid it down; and he took the Book of
    Doctrine and Covenants, and laid it down before him, and he said: `There
    is the written word of God to us, concerning the work of God from the
    beginning of the world, almost, to our day. And now,' said he, `when
    compared with the living oracles those books are nothing to me; those
    books do not convey the word of God direct to us now, as do the words of
    a Prophet or a man bearing the Holy Priesthood in our day and generation.
    I would rather have the living oracles than all the writing in the
    books.' That was the course he pursued. When he was through, Brother
    Joseph said to the congregation; `Brother Brigham has told you the word
    of the Lord, and he has told you the truth."' (CR, October 1897, pp.

THIRD: The living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet.

The living prophet has the power of T&T. By that I mean "Today's News
Today." God's revelations to Adam did not instruct Noah how to build the Ark.
Noah needed his own revelation. Therefore the most important prophet so far as
you and I are concerned is the one living in our day and age to whom the Lord
is currently revealing His will for us. Therefore the most important reading
we can do is any of the words of the Prophet contained each week in the Church
Section of the Deseret News, and any words of the Prophet contained each month
in our Church magazines. Our marching orders for each six months are found in
the General Conference addresses which are printed in the Ensign magazine.

I am so grateful that the current conference report is studied as part of
one of your religion classes--the course entitled "Teachings of the Living
Prophets," No. 333. May I commend that class to you and suggest that you get a
copy of the class manual at your bookstore whether you're able to take the
class or not. The manual is entitled "Living Prophets for a Living Church,"
for Religion Course No. 333.

Beware of those who would pit the dead prophets against the living
prophets, for the living prophets always take precedence.

[3] FOURTH: The prophet will never lead the Church astray.

President Wilford Woodruff stated:

      "I say to Israel, the Lord will never permit me or any other man who
    stands as president of the Church to lead you astray. It is not in the
    program. It is not in the mind of God." (The Discourses of Wilford
    Woodruff, pp. 212-213)

President Marion G. Romney tells of this incident which happened to him:

      "I remember years ago when I was a Bishop I had President (Heber J.)
    Grant talk to our ward. After the meeting I drove him home.... Standing
    by men, he put his arm over my shoulder and said, `My boy, you always
    keep your eye on the President of the Church, and if he ever tells you to
    do anything, and it is wrong, and you do it, the Lord will bless you for
    it.' Then with a twinkle in his eye, he said, `But you don't need to
    worry. The Lord will never let his mouthpiece lead the people astray.'
    (CR, October 1960, p. 78)

FIFTH: The prophet is not required to have any particular earthly
training or credentials to speak on any subject or act on any matter at any

Sometimes there are those who feel their earthly knowledge on a certain
subject is superior to the heavenly knowledge which God gives to His Prophet
on the same subject. They feel the prophet must have the same earthly
credentials or training which they have had before they will accept anything
the prophet has to say that might contradict their earthly schooling. How much
earthly schooling did Joseph Smith have? Yet he gave revelations on all kinds
of subjects. We haven't yet had a prophet who earned a doctorate degree in any
subject, but as someone said, "A prophet may not have his PhD, but he
certainly has his LDS." We encourage earthly knowledge in many areas, but
remember if there is ever a conflict between earthly knowledge and the words
of the prophet, you stand with the prophet and you'll be blessed and time will
vindicate you.

SIXTH: The Prophet does not have to say, "Thus saith the Lord" to give us

Sometimes there are those who haggle over words. They might say the
prophet gave us counsel but that we are not obligated to follow it unless he
says it is a commandment. But the Lord says of the Prophet, "Thou shalt give
heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you." (D. &
C. 21:4)

And speaking of taking counsel from the Prophet, in the D. & C. 108:1,
the Lord states:

      "Verily thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant Lyman: Your sins
    are forgiven you, because you have obeyed my voice in coming up hither
    this morning to receive counsel of him whom I have appointed."

[4] Said Brigham Young, "I have never yet preached a sermon and sent it out
to the children of men, that they may not call scripture." (J.D. 13:95)

SEVENTH: The prophet tells us what we need to know, not always what we
want to know.

"Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear,"
complained Nephi's brethren. But Nephi answered by saying, "...the guilty
taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center." (1 Nephi
16:1, 3) Or to put it in another prophet's words, "Hit pigeons flutter."

Said President Harold B. Lee:

      "You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church. It
    may contradict your political views. It may contradict your social views.
    It may interfere with some of your social life.... Your safety and ours
    depends upon whether or not we follow.... Let's keep our eye on the
    President of the Church." (CR, October 1970, p. 152-53)

But it is the living prophet who really upsets the world. "Even in the
Church," said President Kimball, "Many are prone to garnish the sepulchres of
yesterday's prophets and mentally stone the living ones." (Instructor 95:257)

Why? Because the living prophet gets at what we need to know now, and the
world prefers that prophets either be dead or mind their own business. Some
so-called experts of political science want the prophet to keep still on
politics. Some would-be authorities on evolution want the  prophet to keep
still on evolution. And so the list goes on and on.

How we respond to the words of a living prophet when he tells us what we
need to know, but would rather not hear, is a test of our faithfulness.

Said President Marion G. Romney, "It is an easy thing to believe in the
dead prophets, but it is a greater thing to believe in the living prophets."
And then he gives this illustration:

      "One day when President Grant was living, I sat in my office across
    the street following a general conference. A man came over to see me, an
    elderly man. He was very upset about what had been said in this
    conference by some of the Brethren, including myself. I could tell from
    his speech that he came from a foreign land. After I had quieted him
    enough so he would listen, I said, "Why did you come to America?" "I am
    here because a prophet of God told me to come." "Who was the prophet;" I
    continued. "Wilford Woodruff," "Do you believe Wilford Woodruff was a
    prophet of God?" "Yes, I do." "Do you believe that President Joseph F.
    Smith was a prophet of God?" "Yes, sir."

"Then came the sixty-four dollar question. "Do you believe that Heber J.
Grant is a prophet of God?" His answer, "I think he ought to keep his mouth
shut about old age assistance."

"Now I tell you that a man in his position is on the way to apostasy. He
is forfeiting his chances for eternal life. So is everyone who cannot follow
the living Prophet of God." (CR, April 1953, p. 125)

[5] EIGHTH: The prophet is not limited by men's reasoning.

There will be times when you will have to choose between the revelations
of God and reasoning of men--between the prophet and the politician or
professor. Said the Prophet Joseph Smith,

      "Whatever God requires is right, no matter what it is, although we
    may not see the reason thereof until long after the events transpire."
    (Scrapbook of Mormon Literature, Vol. 2, p. 173)

Would it seem reasonable to an eye doctor to be told to heal a blind man
by spitting in the dirt, making clay and applying it to the man's eyes and
then telling him to wash in a contaminated pool? Yet this is precisely the
course that Jesus took with one man, and he was healed. (See John 9:6-7) Does
it seem reasonable to cure leprosy by telling a man to wash seven times in a
particular river; yet this is precisely what the Prophet Elisha told a leper
to do, and he was healed. (See 2 Kings 5)

      "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
    ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so
    are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
    (Isaiah 55:8, 9)

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24th Dec, 2007 - 1:45am / Post ID: #

Prophets The In Fundamentals


NINTH: The prophet can receive revelation on any matter--temporal or

Said Brigham Young:

      "Some of the leading men in Kirtland were much opposed to Joseph the
    Prophet, meddling with temporal affairs....

      "In a public meeting of the Saints, I said, `Ye Elders of Israel,...
    will some of you draw the line of demarcation, between the spiritual and
    temporal in the Kingdom of God, so that I may understand it?' Not one of
    them could do it....

      I defy any man on earth to point out the path a Prophet of God
    should walk in, or point out his duty, and just how far he must go, in
    dictating temporal or spiritual things. Temporal and spiritual things are
    inseparably connected, and ever will be." (JD 10:363-364)

TENTH: The prophet may be involved in civic matters.

When a people are righteous, they want the best to lead them in
government. Alma was the head of the Church and of the government in the Book
of Mormon; Joseph Smith was mayor of Nauvoo and Brigham Young was governor of
Utah. Isaiah was deeply involved in giving counsel on political matters and of
his words the Lord Himself said, "Great are the words of Isaiah." (3 Nephi
23:1) Those who would remove prophets from politics would take God out of

[6] ELEVENTH: The two groups who have the greatest difficulty in following
the prophet are the proud who are learned and the proud who are rich.

The learned may feel the prophet is only inspired when he agrees with
them, otherwise the prophet is just giving his opinion--speaking as a man. The
rich may feel they have no need to take counsel of a lowly prophet.

In the Book of Mormon we read:

      "O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the
    frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think
    they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set
    it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is
    foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish."

      "But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of

      "And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the
    learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their
    learning, and their wisdom, and their riches--yea, they are they whom he
    despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider
    themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he
    will not open unto them." (2 Nephi 9:28, 29, 42)

TWELFTH: The prophet will not necessarily be popular with the world or
the worldly.
As a prophet reveals the truth, it divides the people. The honest in
heart heed his words but the unrighteous either ignore the prophet or fight
him. When the prophet points out the sins of the world, the worldly either
want to close the mouth of the prophet, or else act as if the prophet didn't
exist, rather than repent of their sins. Popularity is never a test of truth.
Many a prophet has been killed or cast out. As we come closer to the Lord's
second coming, you can expect that as the people of the world become more
wicked, the prophet will be less popular with them.

THIRTEENTH: The prophet and his counselors make up the First
Presidency--the highest quorum in the Church.

In the Doctrine and Covenants the Lord refers to the First Presidency as
"the highest council of the Church" (107:80) and says, "...whosoever receiveth
me, receiveth those, the First Presidency, whom I have sent,..." (112:20)

FOURTEENTH: The prophet and the presidency--the living prophet and the
First Presidency--follow them and be blessed--reject them and suffer.

President Harold B. Lee relates this incident from Church history:

      "The story is told in the early days of the Church--particularly, I
    think, at Kirtland--where some of the leading brethren in the presiding
    councils of the Church met secretly and tried to scheme as to how they
    could get rid of the Prophet Joseph's leadership. They made the mistake
    of inviting Brigham Young to one of these secret meetings. He [7] rebuked
    them, after he had heard the purpose of their meeting. This is part of
    what he said: `You cannot destroy the appointment of a prophet of God,
    but you can cut the thread that binds you to the prophet of God, and sink
    yourselves to hell.'" (CR, April 1963, p. 81)

In a general conference of the Church, President N. Eldon Tanner stated:

      "The Prophet spoke out clearly on Friday morning, telling us what
    our responsibilities are....

      "A man said to me after that, `You know, there are people in our
    state who believe in following the Prophet in everything they think is
    right, but when it is something they think isn't right, and it doesn't
    appeal to them, then that's different.' He said, `Then they become their
    own prophet. They decide what the Lord wants and what the Lord doesn't

      "I thought how true, and how serious when we begin to choose which
    of the covenants, which of the commandments we will keep and follow. When
    we decide that there are some of them that we will not keep or follow, we
    are taking the law of the Lord into our own hands and become our own
    prophets, and believe me, we will be led astray, because we are false
    prophets to ourselves when we do not follow the Prophet of God. No, we
    should never discriminate between these commandments, as to those we
    should and should not keep." (CR, October 1966, p. 124; verse 84, the
    Lord states:

      "And with my servant Almon Babbitt, there are many things with which
    I am not pleased; behold, he aspireth to establish his counsel instead of
    the counsel which I have ordained, even that of the Presidency of my

In conclusion let us summarize this grand key, these "Fourteen
Fundamentals in Following the Prophet," for our salvation hangs on them.

    FIRST: The prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in everything.
    SECOND: The living prophet is more vital to us than the standard works.
    THIRD: The living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet.
    FOURTH: The prophet will never lead the Church astray.
    FIFTH: The prophet is not required to have any particular earthly
    training or credentials to speak on any subject or act on any matter at
    any time.
    SIXTH: The prophet does not have to say "Thus saith the Lord," to give us
    SEVENTH: The prophet tells us what we need to know, not always what we
    want to know.
    EIGHTH: The prophet is not limited by men's reasoning.
    NINTH: The prophet can receive revelation on any matter, temporal or
    TENTH: The prophet may be involved in civic matters.
    ELEVENTH: The two groups who have the greatest difficulty in following
    the prophet are the proud who are learned and the proud who are rich.
[8]  TWELFTH: The prophet will not necessarily be popular with the world or
    the worldly.
    THIRTEENTH: The prophet and his counselors make up the First
    Presidency--the highest quorum in the Church.
    FOURTEENTH: The prophet and the presidency--the living prophet and the
    First Presidency--follow them and be blessed--reject them and suffer.

I testify that these fourteen fundamentals in following the living
prophet are true. If we want to know how well we stand with the Lord, then let
us ask ourselves how well we stand with His mortal captain--how close do our
lives harmonize with the words of the Lord's anointed--the living
Prophet--President of the Church, and with the Quorum of the First Presidency.

May God bless us all to look to the Prophet and the Presidency in the
critical and crucial days ahead is my prayer.

                                  * * * * *
                                    * * *

                                  PART II
April 6, 1980

President Ezra T. Benson
Church Office Building
47 East South Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103

Dear President Benson:

It was with particular interest that I listened to your lecture to the Brigham
Young University student assembly on February 26, 1980, on the subject of
"Following the Prophets." However, it appears that one important and essential
factor was overlooked. If we are to obtain the blessings we anticipate, by
following the prophets, we must first make the proper distinction between true
prophets and false prophets! Our salvation depends upon which kind of prophets
we choose to follow.

It was prophesied that in the last days there would be an abundance of both
false and true prophets. This is certainly evident today, as many are claiming
to be prophets; but since they are contradicting each other, they cannot all
be true prophets.

As Jesus sat upon the Mount of Olives with his Apostles, Peter asked Him what
would be the signs of His coming. The first response Jesus made was, "Take
heed that no man deceive you." In other words deception would be one of the
major signs of His coming, and He warned, "Many false prophets shall rise, and
shall deceive many." (Matt. 24:11) Deception by false prophets is perhaps the
most damaging power and influence of the latter days, but it is a purifying
process that is very necessary. Paul the Apostle said that "God shall send
them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; that all might be damned
who believed not the truth...." (II Thes. 2:12)

The Prophet Joseph Smith has also warned:

    When a man goes about prophesying, and commands men to obey his
    teachings, he must either be a true or false prophet. False prophets
    always arise to oppose the true prophets and they will prophesy so very
    near the truth that they will deceive almost the very chosen ones. (TPJS,
    p. 365)

But the false prophets are just as necessary as the true ones, which God
revealed to Apostle Orson Hyde by saying:

    Evil men, ambitious of power, must needs arise among you, and they shall
    be led by their own self-will and not by me. Yet they are instruments in
    my hands, and are permitted to try my people, and to collect from among
    them those who are not the elect, and such as are unworthy of eternal
    life. Grieve not after them, neither mourn nor be alarmed. My people know
    my voice and also the voice of my spirit, and a stranger they will not
    follow; Therefore such as follow strangers are not my people.
    (Unpublished Revelations, compiled by Fred Collier, p. 104-105, Part

[2] When people use the proper keys of knowledge for detecting false
prophets, then these false prophets become as evident to them as when the
innocent child looked upon the naked emperor and declared that he had no
clothes. These keys are necessary to help us pass the crucial tests which lie
ahead so that we will be victorious in spite of Satan's deceptions.

I have written fourteen simple fundamentals used to expose false
prophets, which you should find interesting. I call them "Fourteen
Fundamentals for Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets."

FIRST: False prophets always teach infallibility.

A week after you delivered your lecture to the B Y.U. students, Pope John
Paul delivered a sermon at Rome in which he said:

    Belief in the infallibility of the church does not mean in any sense
    believing in the infallibility of man but rather in the gift of Christ,
    in that gift which permits fallible men to infallibly proclaim and
    confess the revealed truth of our salvation.

Here then is one of the common declarations inferring that some men's
words are the infallible words of God. How often we have heard religious
leaders erroneously say, "When our leaders speak, the thinking has been done.
When they propose a plan, it is God's plan." Or, "We should always follow our
leaders for they will never lead anyone astray," and "We are safe if we put
our trust in our leaders."

Claim of infallibility is really a cover-up for personal failure. When
men find themselves incapable of receiving God's word, then they make this
substitution by saying their own words are infallible. It is impossible for
infallibility to exist among the leadership in even the true Church of Christ,
for, as the Prophet Joseph Smith explained:

    ...the people should EACH ONE STAND FOR HIMSELF, and DEPEND ON NO MAN OR
    MEN in that state of corruption of the Jewish church (he was reading from
    SOULS--applied it to the present state of the Church of Jesus Christ of
    Latter-day Saints--said if the people departed from the Lord, they must
    THEIR MINDS,... (T.P.J.S., pp. 237-238)

  SECOND: False prophets teach and practice priestcraft.

A false prophet must live by priestcraft or else he will fail to obtain
the power and means necessary for his survival. Without priestcraft, a false
prophet cannot have a following, nor the material means of support that he
needs. The larger his following, the larger his financial support will be.
Priestcraft is a craft, or business, that renders financial remuneration for
being a priest. Priestcrafters accept money from their followers in tithing,
offerings, or gifts with a promise that God will shower blessings upon them
for their financial support. Priestcrafters then place these tithings and
donations into investments, banking, insurance, business enterprises, and even
for personal living expenses. To accomplish this kind of priestcraft, [3]
false prophets instruct their followers to put all their trust in their
leadership--without question. Nephi best described this kind of priestcraft by
explaining that:

    He [God] commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold,
    priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto
    the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek
    not the welfare of Zion. (2 Nephi 26:29)

But true prophets have always warned people not to put their trust in the
arm of flesh:

    I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he
    that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. (2 Nephi 4:34)

    Thus saith the Lord: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh
    flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. (Jer. 17:5)

    The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty
    and strong ones, that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither
    trust in the arm of flesh.... (D. & C. 1:19)

And President Brigham Young also warned the Saints:

    How often has it been taught that if you depend entirely upon the voice,
    judgment, and sagacity of those appointed to lead you, and neglect to
    enjoy the Spirit for yourselves, how easily you may be led into error,
    and finally be cast off to the left hand? (J.D. 8:59)

    Now those men or those women who know no more about the powers of God and
    the influences of the Holy Spirit than to be led entirely by another
    person, suspending their own understanding and pinning their faith upon
    another's sleeve, will never be capable of entering into the celestial
    glory to be crowned as they anticipate. They never will be capable of
    becoming Gods. (J.D. 1:312)

    Let every man and woman know themselves, whether their leaders are
    walking in the path the Lord dictates or not. This has been my
    exhortation continually. (J.D. 9:150)

When a true prophet speaks, he admonishes men to follow God, Jesus
Christ, and the dictates of the Holy Spirit. He urges men to place these three
as their personal guide, and not some mortal man.

24th Dec, 2007 - 1:47am / Post ID: #

Fundamentals In Following The Prophets Studies Doctrine Mormon

THIRD: False prophets place their teachings above the scriptures.

When a man proclaims that his own words take precedence over the
scriptures, it is usually because his teachings contradict the scriptures. A
subtle trick of false prophets is to say that their words can justifiably
contradict the doctrine of the scriptures because those principles are no
longer in vogue for our day. Joseph Smith taught, however:

[4]  If any man writes to you, or preaches to you, doctrines contrary to the
    Bible, the Book of Mormon, or the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, set him
    down as an imposter. (Times & Seasons, Apr. 1, 1844)

Even the Savior of the world taught that men should "search the
scriptures" (John 5:3.9) because they pointed the correct way towards eternal
life. And again He said:

    Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall
    teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven....
    (Matt. 5:19)

    The Prophet Joseph Smith would have agreed with the following statement:

    If the principles by which any of us attempt to save ourselves are
    contrary to the Bible, we may know they are man's teachings, not God's
    for the Lord and His Gospel remain the same--always. (Church News, June
    5, 1965, p. 16)

    And from the scriptures:

    To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this
    word, it is because there is no light in them. (Isa. 8:20 and 2 Nephi

    ...If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be
    persuaded, though one rose from the dead. (Luke 16:31)

    Even a more recent authority stated: (Joseph Fielding Smith)

    If I ever say anything which is contrary to the scriptures, then the
    scriptures prevail. (Church News, Aug. 23, 1975)

FOURTH: False prophets live by worldly standards.

Very few people in the world recognize a true prophet. It has always been
that when a true prophet came into the world, the world rejected him. The
Prophet Joseph Smith explained:

    The world always mistook false prophets for true ones, and those that
    were sent of God, they considered to be false prophets, and hence they
    killed, stoned, punished and imprisoned the true prophets and these had
    to hide themselves "in deserts and dens, and caves of the earth," and
    though the most honorable men of the earth, they banished therefrom their
    society as vagabonds, whilst they cherished, honored and supported
    knaves, vagabonds, hypocrites, impostors, and the basest of men.
    (T.P.J.S., p. 206)

    Jesus also told His disciples of this fact when He said:

    Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall
    say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be
    exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted
    they the prophets which were before you. (Matt. 5:11-12)

[5] False prophets will be honored by the political leaders of the world.
Gentile ministers will heap platitudes and laurels to their name. The worldly
will recognize their own.

There is one principle reason for persecution to cease:

    ...when the spirit of persecution, the spirit of hatred, of wrath and
    malice ceases in the world against this people, it will be the time that
    this people have apostacized and joined hands with the wicked. (Brigham
    Young, J.D. 4:327)

    When all the chief features of the Gospel are obliterated, when we can
    float along the stream and do as the world does, then and not until then
    will persecution cease.... (George Q. Cannon, J.D. 22:374)

FIFTH: False prophets contradict eternal doctrines of the Gospel.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness is a stumbling block to every
false prophet. They find it to be an offense to their teachings and to their
objectives. A false prophet will try to altar, discard or condemn the true
doctrines of Christ. How often false prophets garnish the sepulchres of the
former prophets, yet contradict every doctrine they taught! But there should
be no contradiction of doctrines because they are eternal, everlasting and
unchangeable. How can a prophet change an unchangeable doctrine? How can an
eternal law of the Gospel be substituted by any other law? But false prophets
always seem to be on hand to make substitutions for the laws of God.

    However, God has said:

    What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and
    though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass
    away.... (D. & C. 1:38)

An editorial in the Church News a few years ago explains the eternal
nature of the unchangeable gospel:

    One of the most important things we may learn about our religion is that
    God is unchangeable, the same yesterday, today and forever. By this we
    may know that the principles of salvation will always remain the same,
    and that we need not be disturbed by "new ideas" or "modern innovations"
    in the Gospel which may come our way. The Gospel cannot possibly be
    changed. The heaven we hope to achieve is eternal and unchangeable.
    Therefore, to bring the same human nature to the same goal, regardless of
    the time in which a person lives, requires the same steps and procedures.
    For that reason the saving principles must ever be the same. They can
    never change. (Church News, June 5, 1965, p. 16)

All true prophets have advocated the same principles and doctrines in
every dispensation.

    Now taking it for granted that the scriptures say what they mean, and
    mean what they say, we have sufficient grounds to go on and prove from
    [6] the Bible that the gospel has always been the same; the ordinances to
    fulfill its requirements, the same, and the officers to officiate, the
    same; and the signs and fruits resulting from the promises, the same....
    (Joseph Smith, TPJS, p. 264)

Only false prophets teach conflicting doctrine. They try to enter heaven
by another set of doctrines and ordinances, but Jesus cautioned His followers:

    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the
    sheepfold, but climbeth up same other way, the same is a thief and a
    robber. (John 10:1)

False prophets fear the words of dead prophets because one or the other
must be wrong. For this reason they attempt to cover up or set aside the
teachings of the true prophets, lest the people discover the deceiver. The
Prophet Joseph Smith gave the key to know what comes from God and what comes
from the devil:

    A key: Every principle proceeding from God is eternal and any principle
    which is not eternal is of the devil. (TPJS, p. 181)

SIXTH: False prophets try to be the mediator between man and God.

When men arise to positions of leadership, they are tempted with their
power and influence. They want to become the "fileleader" standing between men
and God. But,

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man
    cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

    For there is one God, and ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN, the man
    Christ Jesus. (I Tim. 2:5)

The reason no man can be a mediator is because "...there is not a just
man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not." (Ecc. 8:20, Prov. 20:9, I
John 1:8)

    And President Brigham Young taught:

    ...the greatest and most important of all requirements of our Father in
    heaven and of his Son Jesus Christ, is, to his brethren or disciples, to
    believe in Jesus Christ, confess him, seek to him, cling to him, make
    friends with him. Take a course to open and keep open a communication

A false prophet wants to be a fileleader or mediator between men and God
because of the authority it gives him over others. But gods of stone and wood
do less damage than these false prophets who act as mediators with God.

[7] SEVENTH: False prophets cannot say "Thus saith the Lord."

True prophets have always brought the "word of the Lord" to the nations
of the world. The ancient prophets of Israel would have been laughed at and
scorned if they had tried to tell people that whatever they said was "God's
word" without the endorsement of "thus saith the Lord." False prophets cannot
obtain the word of the Lord because God does not speak to them. For this
reason they must pretend to receive the word of God, but they can never
produce fit. God spoke to Ezekiel and told him to warn every false prophet by

    And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy
    against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that
    prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the Lord; Thus
    saith the Lord God; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own
    spirit, and have seen nothing! (Ezek. 13:1-3)

The Prophet Joseph Smith gave us this important key for determining what
is binding from the Lord.

    If anything should have been suggested by us, or any names mentioned,
    except by commandment, or thus saith the Lord, we do not consider it
    binding (D.H.C. 3:295)

If a revelation from God had the endorsement of "thus smith the Lord"
anciently then it should certainly be so in our day.

EIGHTH: False prophets do not speak by power of the Holy Ghost.

It is written that Jesus "spoke as one having authority and not as the
scribes and Pharisees." Jesus spoke by the spirit and power of prophecy and
revelation, but false prophets always depend on their own education and
learning. The false prophets write out their sermons beforehand and require
others to do the same. They have no confidence or faith in the Holy Spirit to
dictate their preaching--neither do they trust people who do. The Savior
taught His disciples:

    But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak:
    for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it
    is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in
    you. (Matt. 10:19-20)

The Lord also commanded the members of His church in these last days to
conduct "all meetings" in this same manner:

    But notwithstanding those things which are written, it always has been
    given to the elders of my church from the beginning, and ever shall be,
    to conduct all meetings as they are directed and guided by the Holy
    Spirit. (D. & C. 46:2)

Missionary work must also be done by the "Spirit" and not by the
"letter". This was a firm requirement of the missionaries in this

[8]  Therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people;
    speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not
    be confounded before men; for it shall be given you in the very hour,
    yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say. (D. & C. 100:5-6)

The great missionary Alma was a noble example of this system of
missionary work, for he said, "I have been called to preach the word of God
among all this people, according to the spirit of revelation and prophecy,..."
(Alma 8:24) Alma never used a missionary guide book.

The Latter-day Saints let the Spirit dictate in all of their meetings as
Apostle George A. Smith said:

    With the Latter-day Saints the idea of writing sermons or preparing
    addresses beforehand is entirely discarded; it never was practiced
    amongst them. (J.D. 13:292)

And President Wilford Woodruff added:

    It is well known to the Latter-day Saints--though perhaps not to
    strangers that no Elder or member of the Church of Jesus Christ of
    Latter-tay Saints who enters into this Tabernacle knows who is going to
    be called upon to speak to the people. Hence no man spends a week, a day,
    an hour, or a moment to prepare a discourse to deliver unto the people.
    We are all of us dependent upon the Spirit of the Lord, upon revelation,
    upon inspiration, upon the Holy Ghost, in order to be qualified to teach
    the people before whom we are called to speak,... (J.D. 24:236)

False prophets must depend on their worldly education for their sermons.
You can spot those impostors everywhere you see them, reading their sermons.
This is a key by which they are known:

    Hence the folly of sermons written beforehand; and unless the written
    beforehand sermons are by revelation, or prophecy, all men the world
    over, may know when they hear a sermon read from the pulpit, that God has
    no hand in that matter; and the preacher is not sent of God; and is not
    God's servant. (Editorial, Des. News, Sept. 4, 1852)

Readers of sermons do not teach by the Holy Ghost. They do not speak by
the Holy Ghost. They are "not sent of God" and certainly "God has no hand" in
any of their sermons.

NINTH: False prophets do not enjoy the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

A false prophet claims to be the vicar of Christ, or His prophet, seer,
and revelator. Yet there is almost no evidence that he is. He does not have
the gift of translation, the gift of tongues; he has no seer stone or Urim and
Thummim; he never speaks with the gift of prophecy and has that prophecy
fulfilled; he bears no testimony of seeing angels or having visions, nor has
he ever talked face to face with God or Christ. True prophets have said:

    Because faith is wanting, the fruits are. No man since the world was had
    faith without having something along with it. A man who has none of the
    gifts has no faith; and he deceives himself, if he supposes he has.
    (Joseph Smith, TPJS, p. 270)

[9]  ...all these gifts of which I have spoken, which are spiritual, never
    will be done away, even as long as the world shall stand, only according
    to the unbelief of the children of men.*** And wo be unto the children of
    men if this be the case; for there shall be none that doeth good among
    you, no not one. (Moroni 10:19, 25)

    ...and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men;
    wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men,
    for it is because of unbelief,... (Moroni 7:37)

False prophets are impostors. They claim things which they do not have.
They make a pretext of being close to God and enjoying His gifts, but they
have failed to be blessed with such gifts. Because the gifts of the Spirit are
absent, so are the influence and power of God.

24th Dec, 2007 - 1:51am / Post ID: #

Prophets The In Fundamentals

TENTH: False prophets honor the laws of the land over the laws of God.

False prophets do not condemn many of the sins of people, states and
nations, nor the folly of other false prophets. On the contrary, they seek
their fellowship and association. False prophets find great happiness in the
good will and friendship of the world. Instead of persecution, they sacrifice
principles of the gospel to obtain these happy associations. Their counsel is
to encourage business according to the practices of the world and sustain
every law of the land, no matter if it be unjust, unrighteous or against the
gospel of Jesus Christ.

When this problem arose with the disciples of Christ, it was resolved:
"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God
rather than men." (Acts 5:29)

This is evident, for we know that "He who is not able to abide the law of
a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory." (D. & C. 88:22)

Abraham, Daniel and the three Hebrews were all breakers of the law of the
land. True prophets live by the laws of God even if they must suffer the
consequences of breaking the laws of men. False prophets are willing to
abandon the laws of God and justify it by "obeying the laws of the land."

    True prophets exhibit courage as Joseph Smith did when he said:

    It mattereth not whether the principle is popular or unpopular, I will
    always maintain a true principle, even if I stand alone in it. (D.H.C.

The Prophet also wrote:

    We believe that religion is instituted of God; and that men are amenable
    to him, and to him only, for the exercise of it, unless their religious
    opinions prompt them to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others;
    but we do not believe that human law has a right to interfere in
    prescribing rules of worship to bind the consciences of men, nor dictate
    forms for public or private devotion; that the civil magistrate should
    restrain crime, but never control conscience; should punish guilt, but
    never suppress the freedom of the soul. (D. & C. 134:4)

[10] ELEVENTH: False prophets are wolves that scatter the sheep.

False prophets tell the sheep, or the Saints of God, to remain in their
native countries and "by so doing, the kingdom of God can grow and prosper and
that God will bless them for doing so." But God never said that. In latter-day
revelation, it is recorded that:

    ...God will gather out the Saints from the Gentiles, and then comes
    desolation and destruction, and none can escape except the pure in heart
    who are gathered. (D.H.C. 2:52)

    The gathering of the Saints is a very important item of our faith. It is
    founded upon divine revelation, both ancient and modern. *** None of the
    Saints can be dilatory upon this subject, and still retain the Spirit of
    God. To neglect or be indifferent about gathering is just as displeasing
    in the sight of God as to neglect or be indifferent about baptism for the
    remission of sins. (Mill. Star 10:241)

    If men have not the spirit of gathering, they are blind and cannot see
    afar off, and are nigh unto burning. (Mill. Star 9:310)

The keys of gathering were given to Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple
by Moses to gather the house of Israel. Those keys were never taken back, so
the commandment of gathering is still in force. Furthermore, they were to
gather "in unto one place upon the face of this land." (D. & C. 29:8) The
gathering must continue until the destruction of the wicked occurs.

    When the Gospel went forth among the people, after the appearance of
    Moses in the Temple, and the committing of the Keys of the Gathering,
    when you Latter-day Saints received the Gospel of baptism for remission
    of sins and the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost,
    you also received the spirit of the gathering. (John Taylor, J.D. 19:125)

    True prophets have given the warning:

    What is Babylon? Why, it is the confused world; come out of her then, and
    cease to partake of her sins, for if you do not, you will be partakers of
    her plagues. (Brigham Young, J.D. 12:282)

    It is the word and commandment of the Lord to his servants that they
    shall never do another day's work, nor spend another dollar to build up a
    Gentile city or nation. (Joseph Smith, J.D. 11:294-5)

But false prophets scatter the sheep of Israel leaving them to be
destroyed with the wicked nations of the earth. And God has said, "Woe be unto
the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord."
(Jer. 23:1) Then God proceeds to tell these wicked pastors that He will bring
the evil of their doing upon them.

God wants His people to be together, unitedly living every higher
principle of the Gospel, but the false prophets encourage them to live with
the rest of the world in a scattered condition.

[11] TWELFTH: False prophets do not bring people to God.

Since false prophets have never seen or talked to God, it is certain they
can never show anyone else how to do so. The mission of a true prophet is to
teach others how to enjoy the gifts, powers and personal manifestation of
their Savior, Jesus Christ. True prophets tell people how to get such
revelations for themselves. False prophets, on the other hand, tell people
they themselves will get all the necessary revelations. But Joseph Smith said;

    Reading the experience of others, or the revelation given to them, can
    never give us a comprehensive view of our condition and true relation to
    God. (T.P.J.S., p. 324)

And President Brigham Young added:

    Without revelation direct from heaven, it is impossible for any person to
    understand fully the plan of salvation.... I say that the living Oracles
    of God, or the Spirit of revelation, must be in each and every
    individual, to know the plan of salvation and keep in the path that leads
    them to the presence of God. (Disc. of Brigham Young, p. 58)

    (NOTE: He gives the definition of "living oracles" as being the spirit of
    revelation--it is not man.)

God also has given many reasons for men to receive direct revelation from
Him, but the foremost reason was "That every man might speak in the name of
God the Lord, even the Savior of the world." (D. & C. 1:20)

President Heber C. Kimball prophesied that a testing time was coming when
men could not simply put their trust in their leaders to show them the way to
God. He said:

    To meet the difficulties that are coming, it will be necessary for you to
    have a knowledge of the truth of this work for yourselves. The
    difficulties will be of such a character that the man or woman who does
    not possess this personal knowledge or witness will fall. *** The time
    will come when no man nor woman will be able to endure on borrowed light.
    Each will have to be guided by the light within himself. (Life of Heber
    C. Kimball, pp. 460-61; also Golden Kimball, p. 365)

And President Joseph F. Smith said that particular testing time had

    The time has arrived in the history of this people when every Latter-day
    Saint must stand on his own responsibility as a tub stands on its own
    bottom; . . . (Truth 2:88; September 1903)

Since we are no longer tested with mobs, armies, crickets, famine,
poverty, unjust laws, hostile Indians, etc., it is evident that we are
undergoing another kind of test. The only test that we can ascertain now is
[12] that of deception. Every member must assume the responsibility of
receiving revelation for his own guidance. True prophets do not bestow the
gift of the Holy Ghost on new members for guidance and then tell them to
"follow the brethren."

THIRTEENTH: False prophets do not honor personal rights of freedom.

During the Dark Ages men were told by their ecclesiastical leaders that
they must believe what they were told to believe or they would be punished. If
members of the Church were suspected of believing something other than what
the Church taught, they were told to sign prepared documents. These statements
of belief had to be signed or they would suffer excommunication.

False prophets still use this mode of coercion and compulsion. However,
those who use these wicked tactics are stripped of their priesthood, if they
have any . (See D. & C. 121:37) Instead of opposing tyranny, they practice it.
Free men can live by pure reason, the scriptures and the dictates of the Holy
Ghost; but these things expose the false prophets. For this reason, phony
prophets must dominate the thinking and beliefs of the people. The quickest
and surest way to make men conform to their mandates is to force them to sign
these prepared documents of belief. Sometimes they are brave enough to call
them in privately and question them. But coercion and extortion of the mind is
the false prophet's objective and his only defense.

The Prophet Joseph Smith said, "I will not seek to compel any man to
believe as I do, only by the force of reasoning." (T.P.J.S. p. 313) He
demonstrated this in the case of Peliah Brown who was called in by the High
Council and questioned on his interpretations of the Bible:

    I did not like the old man being called up for erring in doctrine. It
    looks too much like the Methodist, and not like the Latter-day Saints.
    Methodists have creeds which a man must believe or be asked out of their
    church. I want the liberty of thinking and believing as I please. It
    feels so good not to be trammelled. It does not prove that a man is not a
    good man because he errs in doctrine. (D.H.C. 5:340)

True prophets respect the freedom of conscience. They affirm that the
Spirit of God is the spirit of freedom. A true prophet will never enter into
the sacred precincts of the mind; but a false prophet always does.

FOURTEENTH: False prophets are known by their fruits.

Jesus taught his disciples to judge a tree by its fruit. Rotten fruit, or
a wicked society, reflects the kind of leadership that it comes from. A
society filled with crime and corruption is a reflection upon the kind of
leadership that either created it or else tolerates it. False prophets dwell
in the midst of the wicked and the worldly. Their environment is identified by
the same abominations as any other gentile city of Babylon. The crimes of
murder, rape, adultery, robbery, dope addiction, add every other kind of
corruption that plagues the rest of the nations, will also be found around
false prophets. Even businesses, schools, entertainment, fashions, etc., are
molded after the devil's gentile system. False prophets either do nothing, or
can do nothing, to change it.

[13] These worldly attributes were practically unknown in Salt Lake City for
many years after they settled this valley. However, there has been a gradual
change, as Joseph F. Smith noted many years ago.

    There was a time when we could walk up and down the streets and tell by
    the very countenances of men whether they were Latter-day Saints, or not;
    but can you do it now? You cannot, unless you have greater discernment
    and more of the Spirit and power of God than I have. Why? Because many
    are trying as hard as they can to transform themselves into the very
    shape, character and spirit of the world. (J.D. 11:310)

And things have gradually been getting worse, even since his day. In a
speech by Eugene E. Campbell entitled "This Was the Place", in July 23, 1959,
he observed:

    Utah is rapidly succumbing to the wave of uniformity that has been
    growing in the nation. Our system of transportation, communication, our
    nation-wide T.V., radio, chain stores, packaged food, theater chains,
    clothing styles, are rapidly ending our uniqueness. We are no longer a
    peculiar people. ("Speeches of the Year," Extension Publications, p. 9)

By the fruits of Salt Lake City's society, it appears that false prophets
have slipped in amongst us. Wolves in sheep's clothing have entered into the
flock, and probably not with the Shepherd's permission.

True prophets seek for Zion. The definition was explained by the Lord who
called His people Zion, "because they were of one heart, and one mind, and
dwelt in righteousness; and there were no poor among them." (Moses 7:18) Here
in the Salt Lake Valley, it is evident that we are not all of one heart and
mind; we certainly do not dwell in righteousness; and there are plenty of poor
among us (spiritual and financial). Therefore, we are not in Zion. True
prophets either lead the elect of God out of Babylon--or else manifest enough
power and righteousness to change it into a Zion.


In conclusion, to summarize these fundamentals, they are:

1. False prophets always teach infallibility.
2. False prophets teach and practice priestcraft.
3. False prophets place their teachings above the scriptures.
4. False prophets live by worldly standards.
5. False prophets contradict eternal doctrines of the Gospel.
6. False prophets try to be the mediator between man and Cod.
7. False prophets cannot say "Thus saith the Lord."
8. False prophets do not speak by power of the Holy Ghost.
9. False prophets do not enjoy the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
10. False prophets honor the laws of the land over the laws of God.
11. False prophets are wolves that scatter the sheep.
12. False prophets do not bring people to God.
13. False prophets do not honor personal rights of freedom.
14. False prophets are known by their fruits.

[14] The principles the Gospel of Jesus Christ are eternal, everlasting and
unchangeable. But how strange that men who follow a false prophet will raise
their hand to sustain every change he makes in the unchangeable gospel. They
condemn every other church for having made such blunders; but when their false
prophet does it, then it becomes a divine proclamation. Every dispensation has
claimed their leaders could never fail them, never lead them astray, and never
introduce an apostate doctrine; but they all enjoyed the fruits of apostasy.
In our dispensation, even Joseph Smith was warned that if he was not careful,
he would fall. (See D. & C. 5:21; 35:18; 64:5-7; 93:47) Hence, we can
certainly see the possibility of any other man being susceptible to the same
temptations and weaknesses. The Prophet Joseph warned the Saints that such
would happen when he declared:

    And if any man preach any other Gospel than that which I have preached,
    he shall be cursed; and some of you who now hear me shall see it, and
    know that I testify the truth concerning them. (Historical Record 7:548)

Also, Jesus warned His disciples that they, too, could fall. Even the
possibility of the leader of the Church could fail in his duty:

    And if shine eye which seeth for thee, him that is appointed to watch
    over thee to show thee light, become a transgressor and offend thee,
    pluck him out. It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God,
    with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. (Mark
    9:46-47; Inspired Trans.)

The Savior never told the people to "follow Peter because he holds all
the keys." Peter had enough of his own weaknesses to cope with; he didn't need
others to give him theirs. Besides, Jesus never forfeited His right of being
the Good Shepherd to the flock.

Deception is one of the crucial instruments used by the devil, through
his false prophets. But Joseph Smith gave many keys for the Saints to use if
they were not mentally lazy or spiritually dead. If they will apply these
keys, they can avoid the penalty and plight of the deceived. As already
mentioned, Joseph said:

    A key: Every principle proceeding from God is eternal and any principle
    which is not eternal is of the devil. (T.P.J.S., p. 181)

He also said that one of the signs of a false angel or prophet is "by his
contradicting a former revelation." (TPJS, p. 215) Furthermore, "If there is
no change of ordinances, there is no change of Priesthood." (TPJS, p. 158)
Therefore, it follows that if there is a change of ordinances then there is a
change, or loss, of the Priesthood.

    It signifies, then, that the ordinances must be kept in the very way God
    has appointed; otherwise, their Priesthood will prove a cursing instead
    of a blessing. (TPJS, p. 169)

The Prophet was very clear in his concern for the Latter-day Saints and
he warned them:

[15] not betray the revelations of God, whether in Bible, Book of
    Mormon, or Doctrine and Covenants, or any other that ever was or ever
    will be given...lest innocent blood be found upon your skirts, and you go
    down to hell. (TPJS, p. 156)

Putting trust in a false prophet is like the strange group of people that
went searching after the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Lacking certain qualities in
their own character, they sought for the Wizard to provide them. The Wizard
was acclaimed to possess all the wonderful powers of the universe. In their
vain delusion, they all went merrily down the yellow brick road to the Land of
Oz. Finally they reached their destiny but fate revealed the Wizard to be a
fake. He was, after all, a mortal man like themselves. What a disappointment!
Their hopes, desires and efforts were dashed to pieces at the exposure.

However, the great Oz had some redeeming qualities not found in false
prophets. He told them that the potentials for intelligence, courage, etc.,
were within themselves if they would only use and develop them. Luckily for
them, it was not too late to learn that lesson.

How similar will be the story of those who trusted their salvation in the
arm of some mortal, thinking that they could be exalted merely by following
him. It was revealed to Joseph Smith that the Terrestrial Kingdom was filled
with people who were the "honorable men of the earth, who were blinded by the
craftiness of men." (D. & C. 76:75)

Like Esau of old, they will awaken to an everlasting sorrow that they
were willing to be satisfied with a mess of pottage rather than the rich
inheritance they could have had. For this reason the heathen gods of wood and
stone are less dangerous than the false prophets who lead people into

True prophets give people more spiritual advice than to paint their barns
and fix their fences. Their whole objective is to move the people into
establishing the Kingdom of God, building up a Zion, and redeeming the New

Who then are the people who will avoid these calamities? The Lord said:

For they that are wise
  and have received the truth,
  and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide,
    and have not been deceived--
    verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the
    fire, but shall abide the day. (D. & C. 45:57)

We also know that the day is coming when all the false prophets will be
exposed for the Lord said:

    And they who are not apostles and prophets shall be known. And even the
    bishop, who is a judge, and his counselors, if they are not faithful in
    their stewardships shall be condemned, and others shall be planted in
    their stead. (D. & C. 64:39-40)

[16] In that day men will say to their fellowmen, "seek after God", instead of
"follow the leader". Then we will know that men are led by the Holy Ghost and
are helping others to be led by the Holy Ghost. Those then who pilot the Old
Ship Zion will also be led of God.

Ogden Kraut


cc: Members of the First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles

> TOPIC: Fundamentals In Following The Prophets


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