A Christmas Carol
What is your review for the movie: "A Christmas Carol"?
A Christmas Carol (Hover)
Jim Carrey in any film is usually hilarious. In this one we see the animated version which looks just like him. If you saw Jim Carrey in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events and enjoyed his performance then you will definitely like him in A CHristmas Carol as Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge. The animation is first class and everyone played their part well. The Charles Dicken's tale is with a morale of course, so far distant from many modern movies, so you learn a few things along the wy while being entertained.
Rate: 2
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A Christmas Carol (Hover)
I loved this version of Christmas Carol. I thought they made the horses real creepy and some children in the cinema actually squealed when they saw that part. Jim Carrey is just as funny in voice overs.