'Many struggle' with arithmetic
A quarter of adults have difficulties with mental arithmetic, a survey suggests.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/7271396.stm
This is one of my pet peeves people who never took time in grade 4 to learn their multiplication tables. I know in my area today and for the last 15 or 20 years the school boards never enforced it that the students has to know up to the 12 or 13 times table by memory to graduate. I did have to and I am very great full today for that skill. I do know some who will always have a hard time with math as they just can not remember it it but that is the few not majority. Simple addition from one to ten lies in the same waste basket and with disastrous results.
I like to have fun when the bill adds up to numbers like 2.15 cents. Hand them a twenty, a dime and a nickel, or even better if the bill is 1.98 and hand them Two dollars and three cents. I bet you get the tree cents back then they make change.