Record-size Spitting Cobra Found In Kenya

Record-size Spitting Cobra Kenya - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 8th Dec, 2007 - 1:27pm

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8th Dec, 2007 - 10:46am / Post ID: #

Record-size Spitting Cobra Found In Kenya

Being from an area without snakes (thank goodness) I find this amazing! 9 feet! That is huge--my question for those who know is, Does the cobra have to actually bite you to get the venom in or can he actually spit it as in the name, and kill something with it?

Record-size spitting cobra found in Kenya By Nicolo Gnecchi


NAIROBI (Reuters) - A new species of giant spitting cobra, measuring nearly nine feet and possessing enough venom to kill at least 15 people, has been discovered in Kenya, a conservation group said on Friday.

WildlifeDirect said the cobras were the world's largest and had been identified as unique. The species has been named Naja Ashei after James Ashe, who founded Bio-Ken snake farm on Kenya's tropical coast where the gigantic serpents are found.

"A new species of giant spitting cobra is exciting and reinforces the obvious -- that there have to be many other unreported species but hundreds are being lost as their habitats disappear under the continued mismanagement of our planet," said the group's chairman, Kenyan environmentalist Richard Leakey.

Ashe, now deceased, was the first to catch a larger-than-normal spitting cobra in the 1960s and suggest it belonged to a different species.

Research published by Wolfgang Wuster, of the University of Wales, said a field visit confirmed the Naja Ashei is a new species. "The new species is diagnosable from all other African spitting cobras by the possession of a unique DNA," he wrote in a review in July.

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8th Dec, 2007 - 1:27pm / Post ID: #

Kenya In Cobra Spitting Record-size

QUOTE (AlaskanLDS @ 8-Dec 07, 6:46 AM)
Does the cobra have to actually bite you to get the venom in or can he actually spit it as in the name, and kill something with it?

Both. They can "spit" it or bite. For what I read, the venom is not deadly on the skin but if the venom reaches your eyes can cause permanent blindness.

> TOPIC: Record-size Spitting Cobra Found In Kenya


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