Couple Confess To Killing Family On Christmas Eve - Page 2 of 2

QUOTE (AlaskanLDS @ 29-Dec 07, 8:22 AM) I just - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 27th Dec, 2008 - 12:06pm

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Post Date: 27th Dec, 2008 - 10:38am / Post ID: #

Couple Confess To Killing Family On Christmas Eve - Page 2

Name: Leon

Comments: In ancient Israel, there were no prisons. Punishment was either execution (for crimes like rape and murder) or restitution ( paying back several times over for theft or embezzlement). Everyone knew what the punishment would be and that it would be swift. Solution: You don't want the punishment? Don't do the crime. I believe a system like this would be just but next to impossible to put in place now that people don't know what punishment is.

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27th Dec, 2008 - 12:06pm / Post ID: #

Eve Christmas Family Killing Confess Couple

QUOTE (AlaskanLDS @ 29-Dec 07, 8:22 AM)

I just don't see how a sane person can apologize and then shoot someone in the head?

How can someone just shoot innocent children like that? Sounds like the motive was pure selfishness on the part of the woman. The guy seems to be a spineless follower. The apologies were his way of trying to appease his own guilt. So sad, too much of this goes on during the holidays.

International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 32 ActivistPoliticianActivist 3.2%

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