2 Komodo dragons kill man in eastern Indonesia (AP)
Animals and Pets Related News
AP - Two Komodo dragons mauled a fruit-picker to death in eastern Indonesia, police and witnesses said Tuesday, the latest in a string of attacks on humans by the world's largest lizard species.
Source: Source 9
As man enters more and more territory and takes away more of natures wild areas then we are going to hear reports such as this. We make it hard for the wild life to thrive and then we wonder why so many species are becoming extinct. Man needs to stop and think for a change.
Yes I think when you take away that comfort zone between you and the animal there is going to be trouble. These lizards are not exactly docile things to begin with. Sadly the only solution I can see is to kill more Komodo Dragons. If I lived there I would.
Man isn't going to stop and think until it is too late. It may not even be our choice, as it is the government and corporations that are the core problem. I'm also wondering how hard the species is struggling when you can't fall out of a tree without landing near a couple of them.