Mandating Winter Tires

Mandating Winter Tires - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 4th Jan, 2008 - 2:46pm

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4th Jan, 2008 - 2:46pm / Post ID: #

Mandating Winter Tires

The government is currently looking at making it mandatory to use winter tires.

Here is a link to a topic as proposed by an environmental group claiming winter tires will help reduce salt use and thus be in line with the cleaner environment policy the world is adapting.

Now it is nice to think the reduction is help full but where do apartment dwellers store 4 tires year round? What if you can not afford them?

I have drove on all season now for close to 26 years my father even longer with no mishaps and not getting stuck. I think the real issue is being avoided that being more driving skills are required by the general population and the police need to enforce the laws on tailgating so as to help prevent accidents.

Prime example we had a light snow 16 inches ball park. In Canada this is not a major snow storm by any means same as buffalo and many other States. The curiosity I noted is all the people running blizzak tires got stuck in front of my house (there is a slight up hill incline there). Those with normal radials zoomed over no issue. The difference was that they new the bump was there and kept their speed up to go over it. The Blizzak drives slowed down thinking their Awesome winter tires will grip better and pull them over.

I say learn how to drive in the snow and if it is 16 inches deep on the road and you car clearance is 4 inches stay at home! My truck with no weight and two wheel drive had zero issues. The neighbor lady got stuck I hoped in back up 10 feet then drove it home for her not once getting close to stuck!

Given this why should I have to spend 400 to 600 dollars on a set of tires I do not need!

Does you Country have winter tires being mandatory? If so are they snow ice tires or do straight snows qualify? All have different advantages and weaknesses thus the reason all seasons were developed. I would love to hear thoughts on this.

Why not make all wheel drive mandatory while they are at it along with your own personal plow on the front!

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

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Post Date: Wed Mar 12 17:26:08 GMT 2025 / Post ID: #


Mandating Winter Tires

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I'd like this thread mandating winter tires has to be expounded speedily so there can be intensively become more aware about mandating winter tires.

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