Recipe name:
Rob's Focaccia With Eggplant, Tomatoes & Anchovies Recipe category:
Baked Goods
What are your thoughts about this classic dish? Recipe detials: Rob's Focaccia with Eggplant, Tomatoes & Anchovies
1 Loaf frozen bread dough 1 Average sized eggplant 5 -6 Roma tomatoes Leaf basil (as much as you wish) Anchovies (optional if you -don't like them) Olive oil Grated Parmesan/Romano -cheese (or mozzarella) Let the bread dough rise in a heavy-weight bowl, covered with plastic wrap. Overnight to be ready for dinner on the following day. Peel eggplant and slice in about 1/4 slices to make circles. Place on a greased cookie sheet, bake at 350, turning till browned and slightly sofT Peel tomatoes by dipping in boiling water to separate skins. Cut into small thin rounds and drain. Remove the seeds. Spray or grease the pizza pan and take the risen dough (it should be very well risen by this time) and spread it into a circle of about 12/13 inches. You will find that it will 'try" to recede. Let it "rest" for 5 minutes or so and proceed until it pretty much keeps its spherical shape. Bake in a preheated oven (400) for about 10 minutes. It should rise but not have browned. Remove from oven and arrange baked eggplant slices over it, then arrange tomato slices over eggplant, sprinkle on chopped anchovies, if desired, and as much fresh basil (leaves whole) as you wish. Sprinkle with olive oil to make sure that the dough is slightly covered (not too much) and sprinkle on grated parmesan (or mozzarella). Bake for about 20 minutes, raising the heat for the last 10 minutes to 450 or so. Keep an eye on iT It should be nicely browned and bubbly. The type of cooking utensil will determine times. Serve with lots of red wine.