Could Perinatal Hospice Have Prevented Woman's Abortion Death?
In the wake of the recent tragic deaths of Jennifer Morbelli and her 33-week-old preborn baby girl, allegedly at the hands of late-term abortionist Dr. LeRoy Carhart, Jill Stanek reported on her blog that the decision to abort came two weeks after the Morbelli's learned their unborn daughter suffered from fetal anomalies.
With the rise of prenatal testing, early detection of fetal anomaly is becoming more and more prevalent in order to provide parents and doctors with information about an unborn baby's health and development. Ref. Source 3
Jennifer Morbelli Abortion Death Case (Hover)
Autopsy Confirms 33-Week Abortion Led to Young Woman's Death
The Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has released the autopsy report on the death of Jennifer Morbelli, which again confirms the young woman died on February 7, 2013, from complications to a 33-week abortion done by late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart.
Jennifer McKenna Morbelli, a 29-year-old woman from New Rochelle, New York died from a botched 33-week abortion. The medical examiner's office confirmed a botched 33-week abortion killed the young woman. Ref. Source 5
Carhart Gets Away With Murder: No Punishment for Killing Woman in 33-Week Abortion
The Maryland Board of Physicians has decided not to take action against late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart for the death of Jennifer Morbelli, a 29-year old woman who suffered fatal complications from a very late 33-week abortion.
The official death certificate for Jennifer Morbelli confirms the young woman died on February 7, 2013, from complications to a 33-week abortion done by late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart. But the Maryland county police closed their investigation Monday without filing criminal charges. The medical examiner's office confirmed a botched 33-week abortion killed the young woman. Ref. Source 1