13 Year Old Father

13 Year Father - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 17th Feb, 2009 - 4:32am

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You have got to see this one!
Post Date: 13th Feb, 2009 - 5:48pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

13 Year Old Father

Baby-faced boy Alfie Patten is father at 13

BOY dad Alfie Patten yesterday admitted he does not know how much nappies cost - but said: "I think it's a lot." Baby-faced Alfie, who is 13 but looks more like eight, became a father four days ago when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie Roxanne. He told how he and Chantelle, 15, decided against an abortion after discovering she was pregnant. Ref. Source 2 also: Source 3
Picture of the couple from the Sun:

13 Year Old Father
13 Year Old Father (Hover)

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Post Date: 13th Feb, 2009 - 5:59pm / Post ID: #

13 Year Old Father
A Friend

Father Year

I hope that these two are able to find a way to care for their child. I feel sorry for them as they now have to give up their childhood. I guess it is ok that their parents are going to help them but I am not sure how that is going to help them grow up and fave what it really takes to be a parent.

I have to agree that they need more education in the schools so something like this does not happen again.

Post Date: 16th Feb, 2009 - 7:27am / Post ID: #

13 Year Old Father
A Friend

13 Year Old Father Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I wish I knew what the solution is to prevent such utter stupidity. I cannot comprehend the ignorance displayed by the two child parents, nor would their actions have even been the most minute thought in my head when I was their age. I know times have changed, but com'on.

Once again....CONSEQUENCES!

My wife is a high school teacher and says that one thing she encounters day in and day out is the fact these young people do not know how to apologize. Even when they are caught red handed, with irrefutable proof against them they will not say, with conviction, 'I'm sorry'.

This case is obviously beyond saying sorry, but wouldn't that be a good place to start? I mean putting the baby aside for the moment, those two kids should be made fully aware of the consequences of their actions rather than blowing sunshine their way because, oh, life is going to be so hard on them now. I believe in turning the other cheek and giving support when it is needed, but when idiocy like this happens a forceful example has to be made to strike some fear into other children that may be right now learning from their example. Really, their mushy little brains cannot comprehend things like an adult mind can, we continually seem to be forgetting that. They are children, and while they deserve our protection they have to EARN our respect.

Post Date: 16th Feb, 2009 - 7:40pm / Post ID: #

13 Year Old Father
A Friend

Father Year

All moral aspects aside, I am very happy to hear that the parents of the newborn and their parents are all going to help eachother out with the baby. It is very heartwarming to think that, although these people made a mistake, the new child will be well taken care of. I hope that everything works out for everyone involved in this.

16th Feb, 2009 - 7:43pm / Post ID: #

Father Year

Nonsense, it is utterly disgraceful and a terrible eample to their peers. The child is already 'being take care of' by the media. He will be known as the child with the 13 year old baby father. Babies having babies, nothing positive about that. How shameful can you get.

Post Date: 16th Feb, 2009 - 11:58pm / Post ID: #

13 Year Old Father
A Friend

13 Year Old Father

I would like to know where the parents were during all this?
How could anyone in their right mind feel that they will be good grandparents when in fact they could not even be proper role models for their own CHILDREN. I shake my head. What has happened to our society? What has happened to Common Sense? I swear these days if you have it, it is like having a super-power.

Looking at the picture one of my first thoughts was that the spaced out little boy was raped by that obviously more mature fifteen year old. Has there been any consideration of that fact? That girl could be a pedophiliac in the making, and just because she is a girl this fact may go without question.

Every picture of the boy with the baby is staged as well. The kid is clueless, in fact everything they have written sounds nothing like what a boy of his age would say.

The true crime here is the media smoothing this horrific situation over.

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17th Feb, 2009 - 12:13am / Post ID: #

13 Year Father

When I lived in England I met a lot of teens from the council estates that thought they were adults. They were unafraid to show they were promiscuous, could talk dirty and behave like adults while controlling their turf. I do not know if the kids in this are from the same background, but it is not surprising. I think the media is capitalizing on baby face for their story more than anything. Tiphereth made a good point about pedophile in the making with the girl, however it may just be a case of a baby mind doing adult things. Regardless, I think if this happened in the US there would be more legal implications here.

Post Date: 17th Feb, 2009 - 4:32am / Post ID: #

13 Year Old Father
A Friend

13 Year Father Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

I don't know where everyone else on this thread lives, but I DO live in the States. I'd hate to say it but the baby would be taken away from the two and put into the Foster Care system where the percentages of the baby surviving to be two years old is very bad. As the girl's family is already on the Dole, what's one more? Of course her mother is going to help her, it just ups her check. I don't know if the girl would be charged, here in the States, with statutory rape because she's older than the boy but they both might spend time in Juvenile Detention. Then again ... Even here the system is so over loaded that the kids might be allowed to keep the baby and continue to survive on Public Assistance.

As for the pictures, yes, they all look staged and the kid looks absolutely clueless. The girl looked like she has more on the ball but then she looks like a "smartass" too. Mine would be another vote for pedophile in the making. But I don't have a lot of room to talk. My brother's daughter is only 14 and her boyfriend is 6 months YOUNGER than she is. My sister-in-law is the kind of mother who goes out and buys the kid sexy underwear instead of a chastity belt. She has even let her "drop out" of school to be home schooled because my niece has "social problems" with the other kids. Her social problem? She's 5'11" at 14 and is built like a model. She's an "Einstein" as well so she gets picked on for being too smart. But her home life is a tragedy and there isn't anything I can do about it. I can well see my niece with a baby living with her crazy parents in a year or two. It's such a shame. My niece may have Ausperger's as well we don't know because they live in South Carolina where the medical care is about late 19th century.

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