According to the following article, between 50 percent and 75 percent of members in Utah's 104 Spanish-speaking congregations are undocumented. That includes many bishops, branch presidents, even stake presidents.
It also tells this interesting story:
A convert of some 25 years, Jaime arrived in May 2005, looking for financial stability and a warm embrace by fellow believers. That fall, he joined more than 20,000 Spanish-speaking members at the LDS Church's "Hispanic Fireside" in the Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake City. He was moved when one LDS authority asked, "Do you think it was economic problems that put you here?" "No," Jaime recalls the man saying. "It was the Lord. The Lord put you here for his purpose." That was "really important to us. We felt valued," he says. "Now we feel abandoned." The church did not take a position on recent immigration legislation, which outraged Jaime and other LDS immigrants eager for their faith to defend them. "The church could make more pressure on lawmakers," he says. |
QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 11-Jul 09, 12:05 AM) |
What was the purpose? Steal someone social security number and work illegally? |
I served my Mission in Arizona Spanish speaking and none of the people I baptized were legal. Some of these people were better Americans and Christians then legals. Just go tracting in a suburban area and see how many doors get slammed in your face as opposed to the poorer areas. They would usually invite you in and give you food. They didn't care what religion you were. Most were very polite and said they were not interested, but would still give you food anytime you stopped by.
Thanks for sharing that experience Ronan, what a powerful testimony of the humility of some of our brethren. The Lord doesn't care about SS cards and legal papers he cares about the hearts and souls of His children. That's all it matters.
One of the funny things no one ever mentions is that the ones that do have a SS card usually pay taxes using it. I knew quite a few that have been paying taxes for years on a fake SS number. Most that come over just want a better life. I believe a great woman in New York says
I'm a bit iffy about this. I don't get how someone can be an illegal alien but still worthy enough to be my bishop if he's not supposed to be there anyway.
To me it's simple, if you are here illegally, you are a criminal, I don't care if you are a nice guy, you are committing a crime and that make you a criminal and subject to punishment. You should receive the punishment you deserve, whatever that is, and be deported. You should not hold any calling or temple recommend. There are plenty of people who follow the rules and come here legally. The illegal aliens do not pay taxes and take good upstanding citizens' jobs and money. It is a shame and embarrassing that people in this country accept these criminals as if they are doing nothing wrong.
Name: Paralegal
Comments: Bro. Paratrooper,
I think you have it all wrong, you may not, but that is what I think.
There is nothing cirminal in trying to provide a better life for your family. They are working HARD for what little they get. Granted, there are some that are criminals because they break more serious civil laws like stealing, and things of that sort. I agree, these ones should be punished, but that applies for both legal or non.
Some of us that were lucky enough to be born to a family on this side of the border think that we own this place, but we don't. It really belongs to Heavenly Father, he has set it apart since long, long time ago for His purpose. If He guides and permits anybody to this great land, who are we to dispute that? Who are we to argue with Heavenly Father if he needs one of them to serve a mission? serve as a Bishop? . . .
How would you feel if you were one of them? Honestly. Would you have seeked the US for a better lifestyle for your family? or would you just sit there? I'd be here in a heartbeat. You see, . . . Sometimes one has to break a lesser rule to comply with a higher one, remember Adam and Eve?
I disagree with your comment about them taking our jobs away. Do you dig with a shovel every day at a temperature of 20F, 115F? I don't. Most of them do, for a minimum wage.
They support our economy, not free riders of our system. Some don't pay income tax, because we don't give them a SS#, some even pay them anyway. When they can afford it, one of the first things they do is to get their legal status. Can't do it before because they can't afford it, remember? that's the reason they come here, to better themselves.
Nothing against your person, just expressing a different opinion than yours.