Deseret News is reporting that lawmakers who are for fighting against illegal immigration in Utah have received death threats. There seems to be so many mixed messages about illegals in Utah but I am looking out to see how it will turn out as the Church has many Members who are also illegally there.
Latino community urged to sign Utah Compact
Those attending the meeting were encouraged to write e-mails and to sign the Utah Compact, a document agreed to by a variety of community leaders that was intended to set a moderate course for the immigration debate. The Utah Compact's main principle is that immigration is a federal responsibility, not one for the states. Ref. Source 7
Name: Monomo
Comments: The law of the land, you do not hire people that are in our country illegally. They must have papers and a visa to be here. There are certain organizations that don't obey our laws and they have a record of doing that for 170 years. They should be banished from our country. Look how many Americans have gave there lives for our freedom.
Children, delegates urge governor to veto Utah illegal immigrations bills
Going against the will of delegates, he said, would spell "political suicide" for Herbert. "We won't support the governor if he signs the bill. We won't support him in an election. We won't support him in a convention," Beckham said. Ref. Source 3
Presiding Bishop Attends Signing of Immigration Bills
Bishop H. David Burton, the Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was invited along with other community leaders to witness the signing of a series of immigration bills by Utah Governor Gary Herbert on Tuesday at the State Capitol. Ref. Source 4
A Principle-Based Approach to Immigration
A recent article in the Salt Lake Tribune highlighted the fact that the Church's Presiding Bishop, H. David Burton, attended the signing of a comprehensive set of immigration reform bills passed by the Utah legislature. The article said: "One thing is clear: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has abandoned its claims to neutrality on these bills." This needs a clarification. Ref. Source 3
Remember that story on the Mormon family from Argentina who were being deported by US Immigration? Well, they are back in Argentina and there is a story about them:
Thats right JB and the treatment isn't different in the Church. There is this guy in my ward who hates Hispanics and uses Church activity to demonstrate his hate. It's a long story but basically I agree with you, home is where you was born.