Do Teens Have To Pay Taxes For Odd Jobs?

Do Teens Pay Taxes Odd Jobs - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 12th Mar, 2009 - 2:45am

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Post Date: 10th Mar, 2009 - 6:16pm / Post ID: #

Do Teens Have To Pay Taxes For Odd Jobs?

Do Teens Have To Pay Taxes For Odd Jobs?

When a teen does an odd job over the weekend does he / she have to pay taxes on what they earned?

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10th Mar, 2009 - 6:51pm / Post ID: #

Jobs Odd Taxes Pay To Teens Do

In Ontario Canada a student can make 5000 to 6000 tax free. After that they have to pay taxes. Children can be a great write off for small business owners.

11th Mar, 2009 - 5:57am / Post ID: #

Do Teens Have To Pay Taxes For Odd Jobs? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I used to make a good bit (for a teen) babysitting and never thought of paying taxes back then. However, currently in the US, if you make over 5450USD earned income, you need to file a return. I am sure that when I was babysitting, I probably made over the amount that I should have filed a return.

Good thing I was dealing only in paper so there was no trail to my illegal babysitting ring!

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 11th Mar, 2009 - 5:58am

12th Mar, 2009 - 1:44am / Post ID: #

Jobs Odd Taxes Pay To Teens Do

Vincenzo, is there anything you haven't done? OK, that is off topic, so back to the Discussion. Most teens do not keep track of what they make in any case and I doubt the tax people would come after a teenager unless they were famous like a singer, musician, actor, etc.

12th Mar, 2009 - 2:28am / Post ID: #

Jobs Odd Taxes Pay To Teens Do

Well, my ill gotten gains were pretty small compared to another kid I knew. This kid was pretty enterprising. He cut grass. He would get people signed up on a routine cutting schedule. At first, he had like 4 to 5 people lined up for weekly cutting of their grass. Then he made enough money and bought a riding mower that mulched. Then he had about 10 houses lined up for weekly cutting and saw he could make even more... So, he bought another riding mower and had a small custom made trailor for both of them and he had a car. He basically hired a friend of his to help and the original guy got a kick back from all the lawns his buddy cut. He raked in some serious money for a teen. He ended up with about 40 homes that he cut regularly (weekly) at about 10 per lawn per week. Some went on bi-weekly, so the math isnt perfect and I know he didnt pay one cent in taxes. He also had the nicest car of any of the kids I knew!

12th Mar, 2009 - 2:45am / Post ID: #

Do Teens Have To Pay Taxes For Odd Jobs?

Smart kid. That's the thing I like about the US, you can be enterprising rather easily. Here the average teen has rare luck in getting work on their own and if they do the money isn't anything. Also, I doubt they pay tax, it is only calculated based on a yearly earning of about US$9,500 anyway which few people here make anyhow. Additionally, everything we buy or do is taxed, I find it a difficult thing to see the government taxing a teenager on a once in awhile job.

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