Is anyone familiar with modern day druids and their practices? Are there any formal groups in the US?
Real Druids (Hover)
There are pockets of them here and there. I used to have a list some years back but non were close enough to my location at the time for me to take an active interest.
About.com has some good discriptions of different versions and views.
Witchvox.com has a section for them I think.
I found a link to a list of modern groves, some are linked but might not be open and active anymore. There is a section for American groups and groves. The address is:
I don't personally know any thought (at least I don't think I do....) so I can't really say much about any of them on a personal level.
Good luck.
Thanks for the info, I am doing some research and found good info already, but was hoping to see if anyone here was affiliated with them so I could ask some questions.
Alright, in that case I would check with that link. Half way down there are some groups from the US that might offer blogs or a Q&A board to the public. Who knows, you might find an email address that you could write to and ask to your hearts content. Members of more open groups tend to be happy to share what they know or experience.
I appreciate that JB. I hope someone from one of the orders does respond. Thanks for highlighting this too! Very cool!
I responded to JB's e-mail on the Henge of Keltria Web site and have joined here. So, possibly I can answer a question or two you may have. I am the Secretary for the Henge and on the Council of Elders for the Order.
I have to admit I am uneducated in Druidism so I will attempt to not ask any dumb questions.
QUOTE (TonyT) |
Council of Elders for the Order |