Real Druids - Page 7 of 13

QUOTE Well since each druid's organization - Page 7 - Studies of Dreams, Mystics, Paranormal - Posted: 16th Feb, 2008 - 1:57am

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The REAL Druids

I am the wind on the sea
I am the wave of the sea
I am the bull of seven battles
I am the eagle on the rock
I am a flash from the sun
I am the most beautiful of plants
I am a strong wild boar
I am a salmon in the water
I am a lake in the plain I am the word of knowledge
I am the head of the spear in battle
I am the God that puts fire in the head
Who spreads light in the gathering on the hills?
Who can tell the ages of the moon?
Who can tell the place where the sun rests?
-- Druid Amergin

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  • 12th Feb, 2008 - 1:43am / Post ID: #

    Real Druids - Page 7

    Tully, so then the essential 'starters' of Druids in the modern day are those who do the research and compile books of findings?

    Beowolf, I would imagine that Druids are just like everyone else and do have free time wink.gif.

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    Post Date: 12th Feb, 2008 - 3:47am / Post ID: #

    Real Druids
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    Druids Real

    Tully, so then the essential 'starters' of Druids in the modern day are those who do the research and compile books of findings?

    I would merely call them writers/researchers.

    For some, Druidry is an academic endeavor. For others it is a philosiphy for one's life. For still others it is a spiritual path. Even within an organization you will have those who hold it to one, two, or even all three of these approaches, perhaps leaning more towards one aspect more than another. I am one of those that incorporates all three. Spirituality and philosiphy (as in how I lead my life) equal and first, followed by the reading, study and research.

    I don't know what drove Edward Williams to give himself the name of Iolo Morganwyg, put pen to paper and compile the Barddas. What drove John Toland and William Stuckely to adapt Freemasonry into the Druid Revival?

    The group at Carleton College was rebelling against mandatory sunday worship when the RDNA started forty five years ago and it just caught on. Then Isaac Bonewits decided that he'd like to do it his way, and the schism that formed the ADF occurred. Then, Keltria decided they wanted to branch from the ADF.

    Did any of them, or even all of them, do it because of personal gnosis? Was it done for the notariety?

    What started it all? When? Why? Some say that Druidry slowly died out due to the Romans and to Christianity. Others say it continued on in one form or another right up to present day, either as an underground movement or right out in plain sight depending who you speak with.

    Where did it start? With a word that someone used a long time ago to signify the priestly/scholarly class of the Ancient Celts? Does it need to be quantified down to it's basal form to be valid?

    All I can really say is that it IS. People are drawn to it just like they are to any other spirituality, religion, way of life, or academic approach.

    12th Feb, 2008 - 6:22pm / Post ID: #

    Real Druids Paranormal & Mystics Dreams Studies

    I was hoping for something more mysterious Tully, I mean like someone found a tome or scroll of mystic information and someone was endowed with powers. wink.gif Seriously though can Druids be banished from an order? I was thinking that Druids sound a lot like witches / wizards. Is spell casting a big part of daily rituals?

    Post Date: 12th Feb, 2008 - 9:36pm / Post ID: #

    Real Druids
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    Page 7 Druids Real

    I was hoping for something more mysterious Tully, I mean like someone found a tome or scroll of mystic information and someone was endowed with powers.

    Oh! You want to know about the "Secret Founding" of Modern Druidry!...Well, if I were to tell you that, I'd have to "silence" you...

    JUST KIDDING! biggrin.gif

    I do know quite a few people that have been brought to the path of Druidry by very profound personal gnosis, but that's about it.

    There is, however, one author who has his whole system of practice based on his visions and otherworldly encounters, but there's not too many that take him seriously as what little research he does is dubious at best, and actually dangerous at times when it comes to his herbal healing practices.

    Seriously though can Druids be banished from an order?

    That would be up to how the individual Orders/Organizations/Groups/Groves run things, but I'm sure it could happen. After all, the bottom line is that it's a group of people gathered together and you're not always going to have every single person who joins any kind of group who can "play well with others" and abide willingly with the regulations set up by that group.

    I was thinking that Druids sound a lot like witches / wizards.

    There is some similarities, yes.

    Is spell casting a big part of daily rituals?

    Again, that depends on the person. It also depends on one's definition of a spell.

    The things I practice on a daily basis I consider more of "ritual work", yet I suppose some could call them spells. Then again, even the term "ritual" is open for interpretation as you can even count a Mass at Church as a "ritual", even a magical one at that.

    Reconcile Edited: Tully on 12th Feb, 2008 - 9:38pm

    13th Feb, 2008 - 8:22pm / Post ID: #

    Druids Real

    Druidry sounds more and more like a fraternity. Do you get many green people joining to push their ideals? I should have asked this before but what's your rank in this, are you like a priest?

    Post Date: 14th Feb, 2008 - 1:03am / Post ID: #

    Real Druids
    A Friend

    Real Druids

    Druidry sounds more and more like a fraternity.

    I'm not sure of how you mean. Please elaborate.

    Do you get many green people joining to push their ideals?

    Not really, and especially not on the AODA's public discussion list as activity like that is moderated. Most of the other e-lists I belong to are the same way, one can post general information on a particular environmental issue and discuss it, but "pushing" one's views on any subject isn't generally allowed.

    I should have asked this before but what's your rank in this, are you like a priest?

    Well, here's my complex answer for your quite simple question;

    *I've been studying and practicing Druidry for almost twenty years, mostly as a solitary and consider myself a Druid. I am ordained as a Minister through the Universal Life Church Ministries.

    *I am a member of the RDNA and have performed the initiation Ritual sent to me by Mike Scharding of the RDNA, which makes me a "First Order" RDNA Druid, which is not much more than acknowledging that you hold to the RDNA's Two Tenets, which are;
    1. The object of the search for religious truth, which is a universal and a never-ending search, may be found through the Earth Mother, which is Nature; but this is one way, yea, one way among many.

    2. And great is the importance, which is of a spiritual importance, of Nature, which is the Earth Mother; for it is one of the objects of Creation, and with it we do live, yea, even as we do struggle through life are we come face to face with it.

    As it takes a Third Order RDNA Druid to "ordain" a person to the next level, I will have to wait to progress within the RDNA until I am able to meet up with one.

    *I am a Druid Apprentice within the AODA working toward my Druid Companion status, and after that I will work toward my Druid Priest status.

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    14th Feb, 2008 - 4:33pm / Post ID: #

    Real Druids - Page 7

    I'm not sure of how you mean. Please elaborate.

    Well since each druid's organization has their own rituals, join requirements and ways to do things its just like a fraternity.

    Post Date: 16th Feb, 2008 - 1:57am / Post ID: #

    Real Druids
    A Friend

    Real Druids Studies Dreams Mystics & Paranormal - Page 7

    Well since each druid's organization has their own rituals, join requirements and ways to do things its just like a fraternity.

    Not really any different than between branches of Christianity, from what I see.

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