So a modern druid isn't a real druid, I thought this whole discussion was about who or what real druids are?
First off, the word "real" need to be defined.
If you mean "real" as in just like the "Ancient" Druids... a resounding no. There is just not enough material to know exactly what the Ancient Druids did, believed, or practiced. We have some evidence, but even a lot of that was translated by Christian Monks who put a veneer of Christianity on it thereby making it hard (not impossible) to discern.
If you mean "real" as in "real" everyday, ordinary, people that you could meet out on the street and not know they hold different beliefs than you...yes.
If you mean "real" as in video games, fantasy novels, live-action role playing games, or hollywood
If you mean as am I a "real" person...then yes. I'm a "real" person who is a "Druid", so I guess, yes, in that respect I'm a "real Druid".
Yet, I've not encountered people who go around calling themselves a "real Catholic", a "real Mormon", a "real Bhuddist" or anything of that nature. It's just Catholic, Mormon, Bhuddist, so it's just Druid...plain and simple.
I guess it's just our society. We insist on labelling everything "real" or "artificial", "good" or "bad", "this" or "that". We're compelled to name it, define it, analyze it.
I'm sorry, I can't define "real Druid" anymore for you than I already have. I can tell you of what I practice when it comes to Druidry, how I live my life as a Druid, but there's naught more to define "real Druid".
This Topic has really grown. A quick check reveals that this Thread is a prime source for "Real Druid(s)".
For me "real" in this case means "genuine". Someone can call themselves a "Druid" because they dress in robes, but does that make them a genuine Druid? I believe most today see the title as being associated with something fictitious or related to a role-playing game.
Rather off topic, but... Long time no see, there are a lot of other Topics on this Board that it will be great to have your input added. |
I agree we tend today to try and label every thing as I always thought if you practiced a certain set of life standards based on a belief system it made you part of the system. So if you read and practice what the bible says you are either Jewish or Christian. If you practice druid life values and traditions you are a druid.
Yes the ancient thought of the druid might have been lost but that does not take away from what druids today practice.
I assume like all things Druids have different division just like Christianity and that I guess can add confusion to those who do not know about them all. this maybe why the word real come in perhaps the word original or a time reference is a better choice to tell another what sect you belong to. IE protestant or Catholic I do not know the druid division if there are any.
I think she is talking about the Merlin type of druid. I think that there are a lot of whattobe Druids out there that are brought together by the culture of it all. If the Merlin types do exist then they sure don't come out in the open.
I believe that people like Merlin did exist at one time, but then again I believe in a lot of strange things that there is no "real" evidence of. That is what it boils down to. Is there any real evidence that can be measured and shown in the physical world?
JB, you are correct. Merely dressing in a Druid's robe does not make one a Druid any more than a child dressing as a fireman at Halloween makes them a fireman. Some view Druidry as a philosophical path, some as a spiritual and/or religious path, some as a wholly scholastic path. Most (from my own observation) view it as a combination of two or all three of those, including myself. The most common thread that you'll find among those who "walk a Druid Path" is that it takes time, it's not something you wake up one day and merely declare "I'm a Druid" any more than one could do the same and declare they were a Bishop in the Mormon Church, both take time and dedication.
Rather off topic, but... By the way, thank you for the thought that I might have thoughts and input to other threads here, but I'm afraid I do not have a lot of spare time. Since this thread originally started, I've been appointed to the AODA's Grand Grove as Almoner (part of the AODA's governing body), I'm also chairing the AODA's Inmate Correspondence Program, I have my personal Druid studies and practices, and, of course home and work. |
Congrats on your recent promotion. It is good to have a real / genuine Druid here to dispel the myths. Do tell us more about your ventures / adventures when you have more time as it does seem to be a Topic that tantalizes everyone's interest.
Tell about my ventures/adventures? There's not really much to tell. In earnest, I'm just an ordinary person following a different "life/spiritual path" than yourself.
I'm a husband, father of two, grandfather of way too many (just kidding, it's actually nine and I love them all). I work for a living in a job that's not extraordinary, and have dogs that love me. I'm constantly adapting my lifestyle to be less of an impact on the planet's resources that we all must share, like many people I know.
Yes, I am what is usually considered "Pagan" in this day and age (not all Druids are). I don't proselytize when it comes to that (or anything really) and will most certainly flee in the opposite direction of anyone who is, no matter what the subject or religion.
Other than that, I have no clue as what to say. I'm more than happy to answer questions to the best of my ability on my personal Druid Path, as long as everyone accepts that the answers pertain to me alone and another Druid's driving conditions and mileage may vary.