This is BEYOND me. How in the world these people (in charge of the daycare center) could give a child to a man that just claims the child's mother send him? What the heck is wrong with these people? I can only imagine the nightmare this mother is going through!
That is so scary! Does your country usually have measures that prevents that from happening?
I know if I try to pick up one of my kids after they have boarded a school bus, I have to be verified, even if my child runs up calling me MOM! For the "at school" time, we have to provide a list of who can pick them up and they have to sign out for the child. That thought in itself can be disturbing because I am sure there have been "friends" of family that have kidnapped children before.
I do not have much experience with daycares but I would think they have these type of standards as well.
That is so scary! Does your country usually have measures that prevents that from happening? |
Well I would of been right there with you! Over-protective or not, its our children! They are put in our charge to be watched and protected--not to be casual with their whereabouts....ESPECIALLY when specifically told NOT to take them somewhere-whether or NOT they went swimming is beside the point. And if he wasn't swimming, who was with him. UGH! My blood would of so been boiling as a mom! Good for you for standing up to them!