If you could have any two abilities, which ones would you choose?
Reading minds
X-Ray Vision
Being Able to Walk Through Walls
Talk to animals
Super Strength
Controlling the Weather
Super Speed
I would want to be able to shape-Shift aswell as have the ability to read minds.
i'd definitely have to pick flying...heck ya...then i wouldn't have to worry about coming up with the money to buy a plane let alone getting a pilot's license.
as for the second choice...hmmm....i think i'd go for the invisibility. just imagine what sports would be like with an extra invisible player on your team runnin around..hehehehehe!
I'd choose the two that seem to overalll fit my liking, and desire to cheat!
I'd be a shape-shifter, then shift into something that could fly to get to the other side of the country to visit my boyfriend. Plus, I'd probably shift into something mythilogical, like a dragon, or at least a half dragon. So hence the next choice....
INVISIBILITY!!! *Smiles brightly* Then no one would be after me when I'm a dragon or the like, flying over the country.
My first choice would be Super Strength, so that I could pick up anything. Plus its just cool to be strong! =P
My second choice would be Super Speed. That way I can get anywhere I want in a short amount of time.
My choice would be...
Talk to animals.... (Gah! It'd be like a reenactment of The Birds! ....Yes... Yes, and I am their leader..... FLY, MY BEAUTIES, FLY, FLY!! What's that? Yes, I am strange... N-no...I don't tar and feather myself for personal pleasure.... Carl must've told him.... Crap! >.< -=Smiles?=- )
And the second, to shape-shift. ( This way I can hide from carl and no one will see me or laugh at me! Muahahahahacoughhackcoughahahah!)
I would choose shape-shifting as well, because it anables you to hide/ escape quickly and Super speed.
I wanted at first the ability to read minds but then realized some minds were just to nasty for it to be worth the reading!
Also, controlling the weather seemed nice at first, but then I realized that weather is not something to be given to a human being, for he will use it for his own purposes, that way hurting maybe plants. For example, if someone hated rain, and would make it so that there was no rain, eventually we'll have no water, therefore no plants, therefore no oxygen, therefore no life