Obama tells blacks to be more responsible
CINCINNATI - Democrat Barack Obama received a prideful welcome from the annual NAACP convention Monday night, but in a stirring speech to the nation's oldest civil rights organization, he nonetheless insisted blacks must show greater responsibility for improving their own lives.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,700243287,00.html
I can agree with this statement. It is the individual who decides his or her own fate. Even if you grow up with little or nothing you can educate yourself and better yourself. You do not have to be in a gang. You do not have to turn to the lure of easy money with a life of crime. What you do with your own life is what make you the person you are. Placing blame on outside forces is just passing the buck and not taking responsibility for your own actions.
This is the first thing I have heard Obama say of any substance that I agree with somewhat. I say somewhat because for me to totally agree you would have to take away the focus on just blacks and make it a blanket statement. I believe there are people of every class and ethnic group that would benefit by taking his advice. Too many people have a sense of entitlement and have forgotten what made this country great - the willingness to stand on your own two feet, show some initiative and take care of your own. Today it seems people are too willing to give up their freedoms for a free ride. I do not believe this is limited to any one group of people.
I have to agree with Obama's sentiments(can't believe I just said that). This is good advice for every young Man. A man needs to take responsibility for his own life and actions and not blame others for his shortcomings.
QUOTE (alskann @ 15-Jul 08, 5:26 PM) |
I believe there are people of every class and ethnic group that would benefit by taking his advice...Today it seems people are too willing to give up their freedoms for a free ride. I do not believe this is limited to any one group of people. |
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That is why I think the government should stop the handouts. Welfare has been proven not to work at all. Let people take responsibility for themselves and stop giving free hand outs. I saw a person the other day deposit three different welfare checks into his own account. I guess he had three different Ids to get three checks. The system is broken so get rid of it. I was poor kid growing up. I am no longer poor.
"The system is broken so get rid of it." I think if the system is broken, we should fix it, because....
"I was poor kid growing up. I am no longer poor."
I am the same. Not only was I poor, but I had alot of bad experiences, and I pulled through to be quite successful. The difference is, not everyone is like me or you. There are people that may have had even worse situations than me that genuinely need the help of welfare. For example, the mentally ill that can either not perform in a job or are incapable of holding a job, or need welfare for a period of time before they sort themselves out enough to work and not be dependent on welfare. Mental illness can come from birth, an accident, or mental trauma caused by past experiences. These people need help. Some for life, some for specific periods of time. The welfare system (in Canada, I am unfamiliar with the system in the United States, but I think they are similar) is able to accommodate people in need, such as the mentally ill, among others. However, there will always be someone trying to abuse the situation.
I personally believe that it is more important to help the needy as opposed to getting rid of the help due to the fact that some people abuse it. It is possible to protect the system from abusers.
![]() Persephone: It is not necessary to quote the entire post of the user above you. See Constructive Posting Policy. |