Son doesn't eat hardly anything!
Name: Concerned mom
Comments: My son doesn't eat hardly anything! He's big enough already to be eating with everyone else but all he does is drink a lot. He likes to drink chocolate milk and juice and sometimes cereal but my home cooked food he just smells and gets angry if we try to feed him. He won't feed himself either. I tried giving him some bland stuff but he doesn't like that either, what to do!
Doctors say to keep feeding them whenever they ask for food and mostly give them whatever they like to eat and that is healthy like fruits, healthy snacks, etc. Children from 2 to 3 years old go through this phase. This too shall pass.
Yes this is fairly normal, though not if he eats nothing. I would see if he has some sort of a mouth irritation, throat irritation, or tooth problem, possibly even a stomach issue. Otherwise try giving the child strawberries or pineapple, possibly pickles or mashed potatoes. Anything that goes down easy and has a lot of flavor.
Just had an after thought, maybe try making shakes that taste like chocolate milk and such but also have other components in them. Edited: Oliron on 28th Dec, 2009 - 10:18pm