Well, I can see your point if the area is taking about subjects after 1844.
But Before 1844 we have a common heritage. So the angle I'm coming from
is that I'd like to read and maybe post in the heavy duty BoM and JSjr areas.
Because it would be a whole lot more interesting then trying to straighten
misconceptions with Baptists, Methodists, or anyone else that little to nothing
about these topics. Now for "light" reading the general religion forums would be
Here is a little story I'll pass on....
A person I was talking to years ago had been a tour guide at the Kirtland Temple.
During the tours, sometimes when a RLDS on the tour would start a pointed disussion
with a LDS on the tour. It wouldn't take long till the LDS would have the RLDS cornered.
The LDS folks knew their history and scriptures way better than the big mouthed
RLDS. Then the whipped RLDS would look to the guide to bail them out. This happen often enough the the RLDS guide said, " I don't care, this is a summer job, and I'm
Catholic!" That ended the ruckus, and the tour went on.
My point is that I'm interested in the common scripture and historical discussions
without having to weed through all the questions from folks that know very little
about Restoration (LDS, RLDS/CoC, Church of Christ Temple Lot, ect).
I get the feeling I'm being told to sit at the little kids table eating mac & cheese,
while the grown-up table gets steak.
So I hope I have plead my case understandably.
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