Are you implying that if you are in an art class looking at the naked body of a woman for the purpose of drawing/painting only you are automatically "lusting" after her? |
Name: MYtwoCENTS
Comments: It might not be wrong to go, but it would be more right not to go. We should be doing the thing that is most right not merely trying to avoid things that are wrong.
Name: John
Comments: Drawing the n-de body is not bad. I have done it many times. With a Mormon bishop as my teacher. If its wrong, maybe, you need to tell that to all the Mormon artists who have drawn those religious illustrations that you like so much. Trust me, it is not lusting to draw the n-de. No ones mind is ever in the gutter. It really is hard to think of anything bad when you are thinking, is that line straight? Did I get this angle right? [..] Not once have I ever seen an artist act inappropriately.
I can tell you that it is much harder to learn when the model is wearing clothes than when they are not. I have taken classes with both.
[In my opinion] Again, it is not a sin to draw nudes.
I have to agree; I don't see how having a n-de model in a classroom full of people can be sinful or the reaction to him/her lustful. The human body is so incredibly complicated, and there are bones, veins, muscles and such parts under the skin that create a "landscape" that can't be seen with clothing on - even tight fitting clothing. You can't see how the skin crinkles in the crook of an elbow with long sleeves on. In order to understand how to draw the human body with clothes on, it's important to understand how it looks and moves without clothes.
Name: Noway
Comments: I can't help but think of all the perverts that sign up for a n-de art class just so they can get a peek at a naked body. Anyways what about the person taking off their clothes, something has to be wrong with that. I don't see any exception to it in the scriptures.
Therefore cover up yourselves with the robes of chastity except for when asked to attend a n-de art class...
Maybe it's not a sin to draw nudes you know what am I saying? But unless you have some sort of super brain that its not able to store images then the images of that naked body will stay with you for good.
Name: Peter
Comments: My son in law recently finished medical school to become a doctor. Some of his training included doing breast and pelvic exams on women who are paid to receive the exams. She tells the students when they are doing something that is uncomfortable.
I believe that it comes down to intent. However, I am like one of the posts above. If the girl is nice looking, it creates temptations.
Name: Josh
Comments: Have you guys ever been in an art class or situation that would fit this question? Relax. I am an artist and I regularly attend the temple. And there have been many before me that do the same. I could go on quoting and explaining but in short my understanding is that our bodies are not a bad thing, and there is appropriate dress for all situations. Clothing is a symbol of who we are and our place in the universe. When we get over the miss conceptions and grow up, we can understand so much more about gods plan. Meaning, do you really think we had robes to wear when we didn't yet have bodies to wear them? n-dity isn't bad. And there are many ways to be degrading that are fully clothed. Its just like any thing else. All things have a purpose. All things can be abused. Yes there is a difference between p-rn and art. Its not just some thing perverts say as an excuse. I know the paragraph has been over simplified but just think about it from an eternal perspective and if you live in Utah, get out.