Expensive Rental Markets
American companies with offices in London feel an especially painful pinch. While rental prices there increased at a modest rate, when you combine subtle rate increases with the dollar's decline, you're left with a 30% jump in rent from 2006 to 2007. Given that Americans can't seem to afford 3%-6% increases in mortgage payments, many expatriates are going to have to move into slightly cheaper digs, or perhaps consider a move to Leeds.
Ref. https://abcnews.go.com/Business/BusinessTra...=4299360&page=1
This is just another example of the recession that America seems to be falling into. I know the government is trying to stop a recession from happening but I fear they are too late. With the housing market basically collapsing the stocks are not far behind. I think we just need to ride it out and see where we are when we start to recover.